Eyes of Prey Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eyes of Prey Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who enters the house as the woman dies?

2. Who files changes against Lucas?

3. According to the friend, what time was the woman last seen alive?

4. Where is the woman's lover?

5. Lucas is battling a problem with _____.

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Michael Bekker's course of action before going to his wife's funeral?

2. What is Lucas' next move in trying to locate Bekker's killer? What does Lucas learn?

3. What is the conversation between Del and Lucas as they wait in the bar? What is Lucas' reaction?

4. What does Lucas learn about the crime scene at the Bekker house? What is unusual about it?

5. Why is Lucas concerned about Daniel's opinions on Loverboy and the media?

6. Who is Carlo Druze? Describe his personality and motives.

7. Who is Dr. Merriam? How does Lucas contact him? What help can Merriam offer to Lucas regarding Bekker?

8. Who is Loverboy? What is his first action in the investigation?

9. Describe the scene that takes place at Stephanie's funeral. What is the atmosphere?

10. Lucas goes to visit Elle Kruger. Who is Elle Kruger?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Compare and contrast the characters, plots, settings, and outcomes of the stories woven into "Eyes of Prey." Use the scenarios in another one of Sandford's series of books for comparison. How do the story lines differ? What is the conclusion of each story? Which lead character did you like better? Explain.

Discuss Sandford's use of Minnesota for the setting in the Lucas Davenport series. Why do you think Sandford chose Minnesota? How accurate do you think the setting is in regards to the real location? What areas are most commonly referenced in the story? What other location might have worked as well, if not better, than Minnesota? What is unique about the setting? What regionalisms are exhibited by Davenport and the rest of the characters? Explain.

Davenport is well known as a successful video game inventor. Discuss how Davenport got into the business. What was the original idea? How are video games developed? What kinds of games are Davenport's specialty? Is it expensive to develop a game? Where does Davenport do his work? Who helps Davenport test the games? How do you think the video game business affects Davenport's police work? Do you think Davenport will stay with the business as well as the police force? If not, which job will he quit?

Davenport is often viewed as a rogue cop, one who does not play by the book. Discuss this behavior. How is Davenport's method helpful to his work? How might it hinder or jeopardize an investigation? How do Davenport's colleagues feel about his behavior? Is Davenport viewed as an asset or liability by his commander? What kind of reprimands might Davenport receive for his unusual methods? Does Daniel know about Davenport's antics? Explain.

Essay Topic 2

The process of death and existence of the soul are major fascinations for Michael Bekker. Examine Bekker's obsession with physical death and the soul. Is there a specific reason Bekker is obsessed with these things? Is it why he kills patients? Examine the conversation between Bekker and Lucas on the topic. Is the obsession the reason Bekker became a doctor or was the obsession created because he is a doctor? Also examine Bekker's ideas regarding the creation and existence of the soul and what happens to it after the body dies.

Essay Topic 3

Michael Bekker is obsessed with death and dying. Bekker's role as a doctor has given him opportunities to study death, often to the detriment of the patient. Discuss Bekker's professional career. Why is Bekker known as Dr. Death? What are the opinions of the other doctors, e.g., Merriam? What action does Bekker often take when dealing with a terminal patient? Which of Bekker's actions are illegal? How does Bekker handle Sybil? Why is Bekker still permitted to practice if he is committing murder? Explain.

(see the answer keys)

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