Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What label does Oskar apply to himself during The Sixth Borough?
(a) Optimist.
(b) Scientist.
(c) Manhattanite.
(d) Pacifist.

2. Which direction direction does the long jumper run across Manhattan in preparation for his jump to the Sixth Borough?
(a) South.
(b) East.
(c) North.
(d) West.

3. In Why I'm Not Where You Are, what news can Thomas not bring himself to tell Grandma about her father?
(a) He left his wife to die in the flames.
(b) He was collaborating with the Nazis.
(c) He was killed in the bombing.
(d) He commited suicide.

4. How did Agnes Black Die on September 11, 2001?
(a) She committed suicide.
(b) She worked in one of the towers.
(c) She was in one of the planes.
(d) She was hit by debris.

5. What does Grandma refuse to share with Thomas in Why I'm Not Where You Are?
(a) Her money.
(b) Her anger.
(c) Oskar.
(d) Her body.

6. How does Thomas Schell, Sr., describe his son's voice on the September 11th messages?
(a) Sad.
(b) Scared.
(c) Loving.
(d) Calm.

7. Why is Oskar particularly compelled by the renter when they meet in Alive and Alone?
(a) He gives Oskar five dollars.
(b) He is incredibly old.
(c) He resembles his father.
(d) He speaks German.

8. What famous Manhattan landmark used to be in the Sixth Borough?
(a) Central Park.
(b) Washington Square.
(c) The Empire State Building.
(d) Carnegie Hall.

9. How fast is the Sixth Borough drifting away from New York in the story?
(a) 1 foot a year.
(b) Half a mile a year.
(c) 1 millimeter a year.
(d) 1 meter a year.

10. How does Thomas burn the skin off his hands in Why I'm Not Where You Are?
(a) He falls into a pubble of burning fuel.
(b) He grabs hold of a smothering corpse.
(c) He touches a hot doorknob.
(d) He runs through a curtain of fire.

11. Why can Oskar not speak to A.R. Black at the beginning of A Simple Solution to an Impossible Problem?
(a) He has taken of his hearing aids permanently.
(b) He refuses to talk to Oskar.
(c) He has moved out.
(d) He has died.

12. How does Abby Black know William Black?
(a) He is her brother.
(b) He is her ex-husband.
(c) He is her nephew.
(d) He is her grandfather.

13. Why does Oskar want to know how his father died?
(a) So he will know what to tell people.
(b) So that they can put it on the death certificate.
(c) So he can stop having nightmares.
(d) So he can stop inventing ways.

14. What does the interviewee at the beginning of Happiness, Happiness call for at the end of his story?
(a) The prosecution of Harry Truman.
(b) Foreign aid to his country.
(c) The end of war.
(d) The rise of the revolutionary workers.

15. What continent, according to Thomas Schell, Jr. is now the home of the Sixth Borough?
(a) Australia.
(b) Antarctica.
(c) Europe.
(d) South America.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is not evidence cited by Thomas Schell, Jr. of these existence of the Sixth Borough?

2. In Why I'm Not Where You Are, where does Thomas say he wants to live with Anna?

3. Which two career paths does Allen Black imagine for his son in Happiness, Happiness?

4. Why does A.R. Black have to speak to the woman at Agnes Black's building for Oskar?

5. What type of lock does the key go with?

(see the answer keys)

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