Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Grandma do at Thomas Schell's studio in My Feelings?
(a) She poses for him.
(b) She cooks for him.
(c) She writes poems for him.
(d) She feeds his animals.

2. Where does Oskar decide he wants to keep everything he loves at the end of Googolplex?
(a) In a giant pocket.
(b) In a safe.
(c) Under his bed.
(d) In heaven.

3. What word does A.R. Black cross out on his file card?
(a) Photographer.
(b) War.
(c) Democrat.
(d) Husband.

4. Which of the following is something that Oskar determines he will not be fore starting his quest on The Only Animal?
(a) Stupid.
(b) Cowardly.
(c) Lazy.
(d) Sexist.

5. Why is the coffin that Oskar and his mother bury in What The? empty?
(a) Oskar's father's body was never found.
(b) Oskar's body is being held by the police.
(c) Oskar's father requested this.
(d) Oskar's father has been cremated.

6. What give's Grandma meaning in life after September 11, 2001?
(a) Oskar's presence.
(b) Her son's widow's calls.
(c) The hope that her husband may return.
(d) The hope her son might be alive.

7. What do Grandma and Thomas call the places in their apartment where they can be alone?
(a) Safe places.
(b) Nothing places.
(c) Blue places.
(d) Other places.

8. At the end of My Feelings, grandma receives a letter from whom?
(a) Oskar.
(b) Anna.
(c) Thomas, Jr.
(d) Thomas, Sr.

9. What question does Oskar ask his mother about Ron in Googolplex?
(a) If she is sleeping with him.
(b) If his father knew him.
(c) If he is Jewish.
(d) If she loves him.

10. Who is the man in Abby Black's Village apartment?
(a) Her father.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Her boyfriend.
(d) Her brother.

11. At the beginning of The Only Animal, Oskar remembers his dad explain how he could change what gargantuan natural formation?
(a) The Grand Canyon.
(b) The Alps.
(c) The Polar Icecaps.
(d) The Sahara Desert.

12. How does Oskar Schell meet Gerald Thompson in What The?
(a) Gerald is dating his mother.
(b) Gerald drives the limo to his father's funeral.
(c) Gerald is his Sensei in jujitsu class.
(d) Gerald is directing the school performance of Hamlet.

13. Which of the following is not something Grandma remembers as she sits with Oskar in My Feelings?
(a) The bombs falling in Dresden.
(b) Anna kissing her.
(c) Mary jumping on a bed.
(d) Father pinching her cheeks.

14. What does Abby Black refuse to do for Oskar in The Only Animal?
(a) Give him cab fare home.
(b) Let him take her picture.
(c) Kiss him.
(d) Introduce him to the man in her apartment.

15. Why is Oskall Shell home alone on September 11, 2001?
(a) He is let out of school early.
(b) It is an in-service day.
(c) He sneaks out of school.
(d) He is home sick.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Grandma when she writes the letter in My Feelings?

2. Where does Grandma secretly spy on Thomas in My Feelings?

3. In The Only Animal, what does Oskar say elephants may have?

4. Who is the only character to attend every performance of Hamlet in Heavy Boots - Heavier Boots?

5. What idea does Grandma have for her and Thomas's relationship in My Feelings?

(see the answer keys)

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