Expecting Adam: A True Story of Birth, Rebirth, and Everyday Magic Test | Final Test - Hard

Martha Beck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Expecting Adam: A True Story of Birth, Rebirth, and Everyday Magic Test | Final Test - Hard

Martha Beck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Expecting Adam: A True Story of Birth, Rebirth, and Everyday Magic Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Martha see floating before her while she feels cradled in the arms of someone who makes her feel completely at peace?

2. What kind of professional worked with children with Down Syndrome, according to her account in the story?

3. Who does Martha make the promise that she will come into the hospital as soon as possible?

4. What is Martha struggling with since now everyone knows about her pregnancy and about Adam?

5. What did Martha begin to dream about when Adam was two, according to her account in the story?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why couldn't Martha and John see Adam when he was first born, according to her description?

2. What did Martha learn on the phone call that makes her stay on the phone until John arrived home?

3. What did Martha recall happening when she asked for someone to help her save her baby?

4. What did the doctor in the hospital accuse Martha of doing when she was admitted again for dehydration?

5. What was John considering when he was set to go on another trip to Asia for his job?

6. What was the negative experience that Martha has in one of her classes, causing her to not doubt what others thought of her decision to have the baby?

7. Why didn't Martha go to the emergency room when she was ill and bleeding profusely?

8. What did Martha decide to do when she was heading over to see the nurse practitioner?

9. What began to happen when John was in Asia for his consulting job?

10. Why was Martha having troubles with bleeding during her pregnancy?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The Becks continue to experience a series of miracles, as they call them, throughout their pregnancy.

Part 1: Do you believe in the idea of miracles?

Part 2: Why do you think all of the miracles took place in the lives of the Becks?

Part 3: How do you think you would react if you were to experience all of the good luck that the Becks experience?

Essay Topic 2

The idea of ambition is one that comes up often in this book, often shown in a less than positive light, with Martha and John both spending their energy to try to keep up their professional careers, to the detriment of all else.

Part 1: Why do you think Martha and John's careers are so important to them?

Part 2: Do you think career should come before all else? Why or why not?

Part 3: How do you think a person can balance personal and professional goals in a positive way?

Essay Topic 3

Martha could only find a book on Down Syndrome that was depressing and not helpful to her situation. But she reads it anyway.

Part 1: Why do you think the books on Down Syndrome at the time were depressing?

Part 2: Do you think people are accepting of Down Syndrome today?

Part 3: Would you want to read books on Down Syndrome if you were to find out your child had the condition?

(see the answer keys)

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