Exhalation Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ted Chiang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Exhalation Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ted Chiang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Binary Desire’s pitch in Chapter 8 of "The Lifecycle of Software Objects," the company will maintain what aspect of the digients?
(a) Their unique personalities.
(b) Their coded circuit breakers.
(c) Their innate curiosity.
(d) Their anthropomorphic appearances.

2. According to the narrator of "What's Expected of Us," what begins to sink in after one has had a Predictor for a few days?
(a) The repercussions of a limitless future.
(b) The repercussions of a spontaneous future.
(c) The repercussions of a hypothetical future.
(d) The repercussions of an unchangeable future.

3. What is the name of the third story Bashaarat tells Fuwaad?
(a) “The Tale of the Wife and Her Lover."
(b) “The Tale of the Wife and Her Son."
(c) “The Tale of the Wife and Her Husband."
(d) “The Tale of the Wife and Her Sister."

4. What does the merger mean for the digients, as explained in Chapter 6 "The Lifecycle of Software Objects"?
(a) A powerful upgrade.
(b) The end of the world.
(c) A new adventure.
(d) The beginning of a new world.

5. According to the narrator of "What's Expected of Us," what must one pretend to have?
(a) Hope.
(b) Free will.
(c) Discernment.
(d) Memory.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the wife in Bashaarat’s second tale?

2. According to the narrator of "What's Expected of Us," the knowledge of the Predictor does what to the human logical system?

3. What is Derek Brook’s role in developing the digients?

4. While performing his risky experiment, what does the narrator of "Exhalation" learn about their world?

5. According to Binary Desire’s pitch in Chapter 8 of "The Lifecycle of Software Objects," the digients will never be subjected to what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the reader learn about the beings as the story "Exhalation" opens on pages 37 and 38?

2. What job offer does Ana receive in Chapter 7 of "The Lifecycle of Software Objects"? What reservations does she have? What makes her inclined to accept?

3. What happens in “The Tale of the Wife and Her Lover”?

4. How do doctors try to treat Predictor patients in "What's Expected of Us"? What is the result?

5. How has the digient community expanded in Chapter 2 of "The Lifecycle of Software Objects"?

6. What advice does the narrator of "What's Expected of Us" offer the reader on page 60?

7. Why has the digient community shrunk in Chapter 3 of "The Lifecycle of Software Objects"?

8. Who is Bashaarat? What does he sell in his store?

9. What happens in “The Tale of the Weaver Who Stole from Himself”?

10. What happens to the three main digients in Chapter 10 of "The Lifecycle of Software Objects"?

(see the answer keys)

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