Exhalation Test | Final Test - Easy

Ted Chiang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Exhalation Test | Final Test - Easy

Ted Chiang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Scientist Peter Silitonga performed experiments using what two things to prove using a prism was enough to make two branches diverge, in "Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom"?
(a) Tree rings and genetic analysis.
(b) Astronomy and genetics.
(c) Weather and conception.
(d) Oceanography and marriages.

2. According to the narrator of "The Great Silence," humans have a strong desire to do what?
(a) Predict the future.
(b) Find love.
(c) Understand themselves.
(d) Make a connection.

3. As "Omphalos" ends, Dorothea vows to keep trying to understand what?
(a) Why the world was created.
(b) Who created the Atacama mummies.
(c) How the universe worked.
(d) Who stole the relics.

4. What does Jijingi learn about the act of writing?
(a) Writing is doing.
(b) Writing is hoping.
(c) Writing is breathing.
(d) Writing is thinking.

5. In "The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling," what is the name of the narrator's ex-wife?
(a) Amelia.
(b) Abigail.
(c) Annie.
(d) Angela.

6. What is Dorothea’s profession in "Omphalos"?
(a) Archaeologist.
(b) Curator.
(c) Psychologist.
(d) Anthropologist.

7. According to the narrator of "The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling," what is necessary for forgiveness?
(a) Love.
(b) Forgetfulness.
(c) Harmony.
(d) Apathy.

8. How does the narrator of "The Great Silence" describe the extinction of its species?
(a) As the end of the world.
(b) As the silencing of their voice.
(c) As the loss of beauty.
(d) As the great darkness.

9. According to Nat in "Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom," her participation in Morrow’s schemes is replacement for what?
(a) Her lack of education.
(b) Her unhappy childhood.
(c) Her lost love.
(d) Her former addiction.

10. Morrow concocts a plan to sell a prism to which pop singer in "Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom"?
(a) Scott Otsuka.
(b) Steve Otsuka.
(c) Simon Otsuka.
(d) Sean Otsuka.

11. What is the name of the exhibition from which “Dacey’s Patent Automatic Nanny” is taken?
(a) “Little Deficient Adults.”
(b) “Little Warped Adults.”
(c) “Little Broken Adults.”
(d) “Little Defective Adults.”

12. What is the name of the store where Nat works in "Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom"?
(a) WeTalk.
(b) MeTalk.
(c) SelfTalk.
(d) OneTalk.

13. According to the narrator of "The Great Silence," what word means both hope and breathing?
(a) Aspiration.
(b) Emanation.
(c) Emission.
(d) Exhalation.

14. As Dorothea waits outside the post office, she watches the construction of what cathedral?
(a) The Seekoia Cathedral.
(b) The Redwoode Cathedral.
(c) The Yelostone Cathedral.
(d) The Yosemeti Cathedral.

15. When Lionel brings Edmund home, he dedicates himself to what?
(a) Discovering a cure for Edmund's condition.
(b) Creating a machine to love Edmund.
(c) Weaning Edmund off machines.
(d) Raising Edmund via machines.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator of "The Great Silence" describe the fact that humans overlook a nonhuman species capable of communicating right in their backyard?

2. What is notable about the Atacama mummies?

3. What has Rosemary recently purchased in "Omphalos"?

4. What is the name of the storyteller in Jijingi’s village?

5. According to the narrator of "The Great Silence," what do parrots use to get another birds attention?

(see the answer keys)

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