Exercises in Style Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Exercises in Style Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the bus described in Visual?
(a) Metallic-tasting, like a fork.
(b) Low and rumbling, like approaching thunder.
(c) Hard and cold, like ice.
(d) Green.

2. What variation is For Ze Frrensh replacing in Exercises in Style?
(a) Italianismes.
(b) Poor Lay Zanglay.
(c) Anglicismes.
(d) West Indian.

3. What terminology is used in Gastronomical?
(a) Food-related.
(b) Medical.
(c) Coffee-related.
(d) Words and phrases dealing with gaseous elements.

4. What does the narrator of Biased notice about the nearby passengers?
(a) They are all female.
(b) They are all reading newspapers.
(c) They are all male.
(d) They are all carrying briefcases.

5. What variation is Gallicisms replacing?
(a) West Indian.
(b) Poor Lay Zanglay.
(c) Anglicismes.
(d) For Ze Frrensh.

6. Who is Monseiur Andre in Ode?
(a) The bus driver.
(b) The second man.
(c) An observer.
(d) The first man.

7. How is the bus identified in Proper Names?
(a) Derby.
(b) Josephine.
(c) Leo.
(d) Cicero.

8. According to the narrator of Probabilist, what is not likely to occur?
(a) The hat's ribbon will be replaced.
(b) The man will move the button on his overcoat.
(c) The first and second man will become friends.
(d) A third encounter.

9. Why are the Permutations exercises virtually incomprehensible?
(a) The words are out of order in the sentences.
(b) The words are chosen at random.
(c) They break down the words.
(d) The words are written in French.

10. In what style is Spectral written?
(a) Sonnet.
(b) Gothic novel.
(c) Villanelle.
(d) Science fiction novel.

11. What sense is the focus of Gustatory?
(a) Touch.
(b) Smell.
(c) Sight.
(d) Taste.

12. What is the age of the narrator in Reactionary?
(a) Middle-aged.
(b) Older.
(c) Younger.
(d) A child.

13. How does the narrator describe the bus conductor in Reactionary?
(a) Surly.
(b) Large.
(c) Quiet.
(d) Friendly.

14. How are the words arranged in Parts of Speech?
(a) Alphabetically within the sentences.
(b) There is no alteration of the arrangement of words in Parts of Speech.
(c) By parts of speech.
(d) Randomly.

15. To what animal is the man's neck compared in Zoological?
(a) Ostrich.
(b) Snake.
(c) Swan.
(d) Giraffe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What variation is Opera English replacing in Exercises in Style?

2. What is West Indian replacing in Exercises in Style?

3. How many acts are in Opera English?

4. What literary form is Free Verse?

5. What form of slang does Back Slang use?

(see the answer keys)

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