Executive Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Executive Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Hope's response to Mondy's suggestion?
(a) He would rather be loved than feared.
(b) He doesn't think Mondy's plan will work.
(c) He would rather be feared than loved.
(d) He agrees with Mondy.

2. How does Hope convince Coral not to kill herself?
(a) He convinces her that it wasn't her fault.
(b) He has her committed and locked in a guarded cell where she can't hurt herself.
(c) He promises to have her executed.
(d) He publicly exucutes all of the Big Iron executives.

3. Why does Coral throw a grenade at Hope?
(a) She is jealous that Hope has spent more time with Shelia.
(b) She doesn't realize that he is still in his chair, and that the robot and the "Hope" that she saw get up were simply holograms.
(c) she throws the grenade at Hope, but it bounces over to Hope.
(d) She is a part of the conspiracy with Big Iron.

4. What attraction does Hope take Amber and Hopie to the zoo to see?
(a) The atrium.
(b) The mastodon.
(c) The tiger.
(d) The aquarium.

5. How does Hopie feel about Hope being with Amber?
(a) She is happy to see them happy together.
(b) She doesn't like the age difference.
(c) She is upset and feels that he must be raping her.
(d) She doesn't really care what Hope and Amber do.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hope witness during the protest?

2. What does Hope offer the people instead of babies?

3. Why is resistance to the Tyrany growing?

4. How does the public feel about Hope's growing madness?

5. Why does Mondy suggest his idea about industry?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Hope's cabinet.

2. Explain why Hope carries out an execution while undercover as Jose. How does he feel about it?

3. Describe Hope's trip to the RedSpot with Amber.

4. Describe Hope's sex life in Chapter 7.

5. How is Hope affected by Shelia's death?

6. Describe Hope's relationship to the woman in the feelie helmet.

7. What is revealed about the iron industry in Chapter 8? What do Phist and Hope plan to do about it?

8. Describe the Iron Industries opposition to the Tyrancy.

9. Briefly describe Hope's ten year reign. Was it effective?

10. Describe the relationship between Hope, Hopie, and Amber in Chapter 9.

(see the answer keys)

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