Executive Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Executive Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Jose, what agreement does Hope get from Shelia?
(a) Unristricted reproductive rights will be reinstated immediately.
(b) The protesters will be arrested.
(c) Partial reproductive rights will be reinstated in one year.
(d) The government will allow women to have children if they win a lottery.

2. Why does Coral throw a grenade at Hope?
(a) She is a part of the conspiracy with Big Iron.
(b) she throws the grenade at Hope, but it bounces over to Hope.
(c) She doesn't realize that he is still in his chair, and that the robot and the "Hope" that she saw get up were simply holograms.
(d) She is jealous that Hope has spent more time with Shelia.

3. What happens when Hope takes Amber into one of the residences?
(a) Prostitutes make offers to both of them.
(b) Men set upon them with knives to take Amber from Hope.
(c) Women attack them and try to take Hope away from Amber.
(d) Hope realizes that the shabby outside does not define the well kept and beautiful homes of the Latins.

4. What deal does Hope make with Junior Doc?
(a) He will send food, but it will be laced with chemicals to make the people infertile.
(b) He will send troops to help enforce the law, but they must try to stop the crime families themselves.
(c) He will help clean up the moon, but they must do their fair share.
(d) He will send money, but they must accept imigrants from everywhere.

5. What does Hope do when Megan begins to criticize the Tyrancy?
(a) Hope makes love to her.
(b) Hope arranges a Latin tour.
(c) Hope divorces her.
(d) Hope has her arrested.

6. What is Hope's response to Mondy's suggestion?
(a) He agrees with Mondy.
(b) He would rather be feared than loved.
(c) He would rather be loved than feared.
(d) He doesn't think Mondy's plan will work.

7. Why is Hope growing dissatisfied with his mistresses?
(a) He doesn't love any of them.
(b) He is hard to please.
(c) They are not good enough to please him.
(d) He is in love with Spirit.

8. Why does Hope agree with Phist about nationalizing an iron company?
(a) He plans to nationalize all industry on Jupiter.
(b) He sees a good way to make more money and boost employment.
(c) He is greedy and wants to control the money.
(d) He doesn't think that it is a good idea.

9. How does Hope describe his visions of Shelia?
(a) As a harmless diversion.
(b) As a false hope.
(c) As a beautiful vision.
(d) As the beginnings of madness.

10. How does Hope see Shelia after the explosion?
(a) He sees her as an angel.
(b) He sees himself floating out of the bubble and sees her in Heaven.
(c) He sees her all over the news.
(d) He sees her ghost whenever he thinks about her.

11. Which Earth country is the RedSpot most equivalent to?
(a) China.
(b) France.
(c) Canada.
(d) Mexico.

12. What name does Hope use during his undercover employment?
(a) Jesus Cortez
(b) Philipe Cruz
(c) Roberto Riviera
(d) Jose Garcia

13. Why are women protesting?
(a) They want better pay.
(b) They want the right to vote and own property.
(c) They want Hope to resign as Tyrant.
(d) They want their reproductive rights back.

14. What does Hope witness during the protest?
(a) A woman attacks Hope.
(b) A woman kills the mayor.
(c) A woman sets herself on fire.
(d) A woman kills a young child.

15. What role does Spirit play in Hope's cabinet?
(a) She is in charge of crime.
(b) She is in charge of implementation.
(c) She is in charge of population.
(d) She is in charge of industry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Shelia do when Coral throws the grenade?

2. What agreement do Hope and Amber come to before they can be together?

3. What does Ebony suggest they do about the growing population?

4. What is Roulette Phist's suggested cure for rape?

5. How does Hopie feel about Hope being with Amber?

(see the answer keys)

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