Executive Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Executive Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After his first failed attempt, how does Hope plan to keep the Saturnine ship from docking on Ganymede?
(a) He will accuse Ganymede of smuggling weapons.
(b) He will try to blow up the ship.
(c) He will declare war with Saturn immediately.
(d) He will accuse Saturn of placing psychic technicians on the ship.

2. What comes of Hopie's and Hope's education argument?
(a) Hope agrees with Hopie and abolishes all educational programs sponsored by the government.
(b) Hope grounds Hopie and sends her to bed without supper.
(c) Hope laughs at Hopie and tells her that she will understand it when she grows up.
(d) Hope puts Hopie in charge of the Department of Education.

3. What is the effect of a Mind-Wash?
(a) It cleanses the mind of profane thoughts.
(b) It cleanses the mind from old, forgotten things.
(c) It erases some memories.
(d) It washes trace minerals out of the mind.

4. Whom does Shelia help Hope contact?
(a) The reincarnated Hubris.
(b) The living Lieutenant Commander Repro.
(c) The dead Hubris.
(d) The dead Lieutenant Commander Repro.

5. Who speaks out against Hope's act of war?
(a) Columnist Thorley and Hopie.
(b) Senator Stonebridge and Mondy.
(c) Admiral Khukov and the premier of Ganymede.
(d) Admiral Mondy and his wife.

6. What does this novel claim to be?
(a) It is an encyclopedia of Hope Hubris.
(b) It is a cookbook written by Hope Hubris.
(c) It is an authorized biography of Hope Hubris.
(d) It is the personal diary of Hope Hubris.

7. Why does Senator Stonebridge tell Hope that he should impose steeper taxes?
(a) To solidify his power on Jupiter.
(b) To balance the budget.
(c) To pay for his vacation.
(d) To pay Saturn's demands.

8. What is the baby's name?
(a) Michael.
(b) Roberto.
(c) Robertico.
(d) Sparticus.

9. Who is Retired Admiral Mondy?
(a) Leader of the Ganymede Navy.
(b) Emerald's husband.
(c) One of Hope's former advisers.
(d) Leader of the Saturn Navy.

10. On what condition will Hope support the premier's government against the attack of Saturn?
(a) The premier must leak information to Hope about the Saturnine plans.
(b) The premier must agree to marry his oldest son to Hope's daughter, Hopie.
(c) He must swear loyalty to Hope and become Hope's puppet.
(d) The premier must leave the system, never to return.

11. Where do Spirit and Hope go to meet Mikhail Khukov?
(a) His Saturnine ship.
(b) Ganymede.
(c) The base at Tanamo.
(d) Saturn.

12. Who is Hope's source of information about the Saturnine ship and troops?
(a) The Ganymede Premier.
(b) Senator Stonebridge.
(c) Columnist Thorley.
(d) Admiral Akbar.

13. What is the purpose of the preface?
(a) It summarizes the career of Hope Hubris.
(b) It provides vital background information for all of the characters.
(c) It foreshadows the events to come, but doesn't focus on any of the main characters.
(d) It sets the mood of the story by showing one of Hope's nightmares.

14. What is Hope's first act as Tyrant?
(a) He gives a state of the union address.
(b) He declares war on Saturn.
(c) He straightens out the budget.
(d) He deals with President Tocsin.

15. What does Hope fear will happen in this false war?
(a) He fears that he will lose his daughter Hopie, as she is already spending more time with Thorley, who actively speaks out against Hope.
(b) He fears that the people will become too upset at his acts of war and overthrow him.
(c) He fears that with all of the insults and threats going back and forth, Karzhinov might trigger the real war that destroys both planets.
(d) He fears that Karzhinov will call his bluff and invade Ganymede then Jupiter.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Hope react to the representatives leaving Congress?

2. What does Amber do while hypnotized?

3. What dead person first appeared to Hope?

4. What does Gerald Phist suggest Hope do with unrepentant criminals?

5. What advice does Repro give Hope?

(see the answer keys)

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