Executive Power Test | Final Test - Medium

Vince Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Executive Power Test | Final Test - Medium

Vince Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the resolution that is going to be offered by the French, in front of the United Nations, propose?
(a) The revocation of the State of Israel.
(b) Palestinian statehood.
(c) War on whoever assassinated the Palestinian ambassador.
(d) War on the Palestinians.

2. What is Goldberg worried about politically, in Chapter 53?
(a) That he will receive a vote of no-confidence.
(b) That he will lose next week's election.
(c) That his vice minister will attempt to overthrow him.
(d) That he will be made fun of in this week's political cartoon.

3. When does David detonate his bomb?
(a) He doesn't; the bomb knows when to detonate itself.
(b) When he receives a secret signal to.
(c) At exactly the moment the French resolution comes up for discussion.
(d) When the limousine he is tracking is in the proper place.

4. Which of Coleman's men goes out on a scouting mission before the rescue attempt?
(a) Baker.
(b) Wicker.
(c) Hampster.
(d) Barton.

5. What meeting is Sapp invited to attend as part of his assignment, after returning home from the rescue mission?
(a) The meeting of the military chiefs.
(b) Every press conference on the Middle East.
(c) The president's daily security briefing.
(d) The National Security Council meeting.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is watching the conversation between David and Prince Omar when they are out to dinner, after David escapes from Israel?

2. How do the Americans realize who the target of the explosion is?

3. What does David have in his garage in D.C.?

4. Who does Rapp think of briefly as he heads toward the camp, where the hostages are being held?

5. Why is the White House on lock down, in Chapter 68?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is David's purpose in New York?

2. What does David do after assassinating the ambassador?

3. Against whom does David want revenge after the Israeli air attack?

4. How does Israeli Prime Minister Goldberg interact with Freidman, in Chapter 53?

5. What does David keep reminding himself about his mission in New York?

6. What is Kennedy angry about regarding the rescue operation?

7. Why are Kennedy and Rapp looking into the Prince's finances?

8. What angers David about the Israeli air attack?

9. What does Rapp think about Anna as the rescue attempt begins?

10. How does David detonate the bomb in his van?

(see the answer keys)

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