Excellent Women Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Excellent Women Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mildred do when she finds herself attracted to Rocky?
(a) Gives in to her feelings.
(b) Reminds herself of his Italian girlfriends.
(c) Confides in Winifred.
(d) Curses herself.

2. Where does Helena go to live?
(a) Windsor.
(b) Devonshire.
(c) Brighton.
(d) Kent.

3. What did Allegra do to Winifred when Julian was at the boys' club?
(a) Allegra lied to her about Julian's whereabouts.
(b) Allegra pushed her.
(c) Allegra turned on her and they argued bitterly.
(d) Allegra stole a sweater from her closet.

4. When Rocky visits Mildred and talks about Italy, what offhand comment does he make?
(a) That Everard is a scoundral.
(b) Perhaps he never should have married Helena.
(c) That Mildred would be pretty if she tried harder.
(d) That he is unhappy in London.

5. After the dinner with Mrs. Bone, what does Mildred smell from the Napiers' when she walks by?
(a) Burnt meat.
(b) Burnt potatoes.
(c) Burnt toast.
(d) Burnt eggs.

6. What does Rocky leave Mildred in charge of while he is away?
(a) The apartment.
(b) His plants.
(c) The mail.
(d) Keeping up with the gossip.

7. What does Mildred's companion during her annual holiday think about the site they go to see?
(a) It is peaceful.
(b) It is over-commercialized.
(c) It is much more exciting than had been imagined.
(d) It is not much to look at.

8. What is Mrs. Bone fascinated with?
(a) Clocks.
(b) The newest fashion trends.
(c) Religions.
(d) Birds and worms.

9. How does Julian react when he sees Rocky in Mildred's apartment?
(a) Indifferent.
(b) Jealous.
(c) Nonchalant.
(d) Uneasy.

10. How does Mildred react to Allegra's suggestion at lunch?
(a) With agreement.
(b) With rage.
(c) With shock.
(d) With doubt.

11. What does Everard warn Mildred of about his mother?
(a) She is very sickly.
(b) His mother is eccentric.
(c) His mother is stern and often abrupt with her words.
(d) She is a horrible cook.

12. When Mildred runs into Julian after her lunch with Allegra, how does he act?
(a) Nonchalant.
(b) Rude.
(c) Uneasy.
(d) Friendly.

13. What does Rocky invite Mildred to do that she would love to accept?
(a) Come to the cottage for a weekend.
(b) Go for a weekend of skiing.
(c) Spend the afternoon sailing.
(d) Meet him in London for the opera.

14. Who is moving into the Malory house?
(a) Miss Clovis.
(b) Sister Blatt.
(c) Mildred.
(d) Helena.

15. How do the parishioners react to Allegra's suggestion?
(a) With resistance.
(b) With shock.
(c) With confusion.
(d) With agreement.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Mildred's current belief about excellent women?

2. What does Mrs. Morris feel about Helena?

3. How does the person who stops by the table while Mildred and Everard are dining act?

4. What item of furniture has become infested?

5. Who stops by the table while Mildred and Everard are dining?

(see the answer keys)

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