Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Final Test - Medium

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Final Test - Medium

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With what gesture had Evvie and Andy always ended their weekly breakfasts before Andy began dating Monica seriously?
(a) A piggyback ride.
(b) A high-five.
(c) A kiss.
(d) A hug.

2. Evvie repeatedly describes Dean's smile as taking up what fraction of his face?
(a) Three-fifths.
(b) One-quarter.
(c) One-half.
(d) One-third.

3. The Calcasset Claws always play the team from which city each year in the exhibition game?
(a) Miller.
(b) Freeport.
(c) Bangor.
(d) Dewey.

4. To what location does Dean take Evvie the first time he gives her a baseball lesson?
(a) A swimming pool.
(b) A racquetball court.
(c) A baseball field.
(d) A soccer field.

5. Evvie agrees to go with Dean to pick up his pinball machine on the condition that he take what action once they get there?
(a) Gives her a kiss.
(b) Buys her pizza.
(c) Buys her donuts.
(d) Teaches her how to play pinball.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which character brought Evvie home the night of Tim's death?

2. To what state had Evvie's mother Eileen moved once she abruptly left her husband and child in Maine?

3. What is NOT listed as a type of pinball machine Dean considers highly undesirable?

4. In Winter: Chapter 19, Dean is not a part of spring training for the first time in how many years?

5. How many sexual partners has Evvie had in total, including her late husband Tim?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe how the blush Evvie experiences during her baseball lesson differs from the other times she has blushed before.

2. With what information does Andy confront Evvie in Winter: Chapter 18 when he arrives unannounced at her house after ten at night?

3. Discuss an instance in the text when Holmes uses humor in order to clearly illustrate a particular character's fear of change.

4. Who is Monica?

5. For what reason does Dean decide to travel to Boston and back in one day?

6. How does Evvie inwardly react to Andy's suggestion that if she wanted to, she could also start dating again someday?

7. In what way does the motif of dreams arise again within Winter: Chapter 15?

8. Describe how Evvie had always felt about blushing prior to meeting Dean.

9. Provide evidence for the conclusion that Evvie experiences conflicting emotions when Dean tells her that he had wanted to kiss her several times during their day trip to Boston.

10. From what angle does Evvie claim not to have seen "Calcasset in "forever" (119) as she and Dean drive toward Boston?

(see the answer keys)

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