Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word does Evvie repeat to herself a number of times at the end of Fall: Chapter 1?
(a) Done.
(b) Monster.
(c) Trainwreck.
(d) Goodbye.

2. In which borough of New York City does Dean reside at the time he wearies of the media attention and wants to get away?
(a) Brooklyn.
(b) Queens.
(c) Staten Island.
(d) Manhattan.

3. Evvie takes extreme exception to her father's sentiment during the Thanksgiving blessing that he is prouder of her for what feat than he is of any one of her other accomplishments?
(a) Graduating from high school.
(b) Making it through the death of her husband.
(c) Graduating from college.
(d) Building a transcription clientele.

4. Evvie tells Dean that the reason Tim had stayed in his hometown after medical school was that only by remaining there could he be viewed as what type of creature?
(a) A chameleon.
(b) A centaur.
(c) A unicorn.
(d) A yeti.

5. What item does Evvie place into the glove compartment at the start of the prologue entitled First?
(a) An envelope full of cash.
(b) A walkie-talkie.
(c) A map of Hawaii.
(d) A pair of sunglasses.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Evvie has known Dean for two months, she considers him to listen "like a" (73) what?

2. On what occasion had Evvie received the dishes she uses to host Thanksgiving?

3. Evvie threatens to take what action against Ellen Boyd if she does not immediately leave Evvie's porch?

4. Who is Andy?

5. Who calls Evvie in the prologue to tell her that Tim has been in a severe car accident?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Holmes weave together issues of class with issues of domestic abuse?

2. What advice does Dean give to Evvie when she is angry about her father's Thanksgiving day comment?

3. In what way is the motif of dreams used to depict Evvie's feelings of guilt in Fall: Chapter 1?

4. Discuss an instance when Holmes uses a literary device to comment on the nature of youth.

5. Which comment of Frank's makes Evvie furious during Thanksgiving dinner and why?

6. What major secret is Evvie keeping from her best friend Andy?

7. What object does Evvie place on the mantel just before she opens the door to meet Dean and what is the object's significance?

8. For what major change is Evvie preparing when the reader first meets her in the prologue entitled First?

9. What is revealed to have happened the one time when best friends Andy and Evvie had tried to view one another in a romantic light?

10. In what way does the theme of isolation appear within Fall: Chapter 1 of Evvie Drake Starts Over?

(see the answer keys)

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