Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Final Test - Easy

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Final Test - Easy

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who goes along to breakfast with Evvie and Andy the first time they enact their tradition in quite a while?
(a) Lila.
(b) Dean.
(c) Frank.
(d) Monica.

2. How long after Evvie follows Dean to a particular location in the middle of the night does she find a therapist for him?
(a) A few weeks.
(b) A few days.
(c) A few months.
(d) The following day.

3. What name is used to refer to the annual exhibition game between the Claws and the Explorers?
(a) The Spring Dance.
(b) The Sweet Spot.
(c) The Jamboree.
(d) The Haymaker.

4. For what length of time do Evvie and Dean drive before they reach the Stafford Hotel?
(a) 120 minutes.
(b) 30 minutes.
(c) 90 minutes.
(d) 60 minutes.

5. Evvie tells Dean in Winter: Chapter 16 that she had been named after what?
(a) A town.
(b) An airplane.
(c) A horse.
(d) A lake.

6. Over dinner at the Stafford Hotel, Dean gives Evvie the key to which room in the hotel?
(a) 212.
(b) 204.
(c) 208.
(d) 216.

7. In what month is the magazine article about Dean's failures published?
(a) December.
(b) January.
(c) February.
(d) November.

8. At the end of Spring: Chapter 24, Evvie and Dean makes plans to have dinner together outside of town on which day of the week?
(a) Saturday.
(b) Monday.
(c) Thursday.
(d) Wednesday.

9. Evvie agrees to go with Dean to pick up his pinball machine on the condition that he take what action once they get there?
(a) Teaches her how to play pinball.
(b) Buys her pizza.
(c) Buys her donuts.
(d) Gives her a kiss.

10. Dean tells Evvie in Winter: Chapter 14 that if he wanted to talk about what subject, he would have stayed in Manhattan?
(a) Romance.
(b) Responsibility.
(c) Pitching.
(d) The stock market.

11. To which character is Evvie referring when she calls someone her first and "most important lucky break" (186)?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Andy.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her grandmother.

12. With what gesture had Evvie and Andy always ended their weekly breakfasts before Andy began dating Monica seriously?
(a) A hug.
(b) A high-five.
(c) A piggyback ride.
(d) A kiss.

13. How does Evvie answer Dr. Talco when she asks during their first appointment how Evvie is sleeping?
(a) Soundly.
(b) Fine.
(c) Great.
(d) Not at all.

14. Evvie proposes at the end of Spring: Chapter 21 that Dean pitch how many innings in the Claws' exhibition game?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 1.
(d) 2.

15. Dean's favorite sound in baseball had always been the sound of the ball hitting what object?
(a) Home plate.
(b) The catcher's mitt.
(c) The backstop.
(d) The bat.

Short Answer Questions

1. The baseball glove that Dean gives to Evvie in Spring: Chapter 21 is black and what other color?

2. What pieces of jewelry does Evvie remove just before she joins Dean for the couple's first sexual encounter?

3. What hairstyling step does Evvie forego before her trip with Dean for fear of looking like she is "trying too hard" (191)?

4. Who babysits Lilly and Rose while Andy is taking Dean out to see if he wants to talk about the magazine article?

5. The Calcasset Claws always play the team from which city each year in the exhibition game?

(see the answer keys)

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