Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The issue of Sports Illustrated at which Evvie glances in Fall: Chapter 1 is addressed to which character?
(a) Tim.
(b) Evvie.
(c) Andy.
(d) Monica.

2. To what location does Evvie go in Fall: Chapter 1 when she awakens from a dream about Tim?
(a) The apartment at the back of her house.
(b) The nearby park.
(c) The basement.
(d) The sun porch.

3. Evvie reveals that she took what action in high school in order to ensure that Tim would be valedictorian?
(a) She failed her math final on purpose.
(b) She tampered with the ballots.
(c) She helped him cheat on his math exam.
(d) She failed her science final on purpose.

4. What is the first real idea Dean throws out to Andy when they talk about the next step Dean could take?
(a) He could learn the art of taxidermy.
(b) He could learn to play the oboe.
(c) He could paint.
(d) He could coach baseball.

5. How many sons does Andy have with his ex-wife Lori?
(a) 1.
(b) 0.
(c) 3.
(d) 2.

6. Evvie tells Dean that the reason Tim had stayed in his hometown after medical school was that only by remaining there could he be viewed as what type of creature?
(a) A unicorn.
(b) A centaur.
(c) A chameleon.
(d) A yeti.

7. What word does Evvie repeat to herself a number of times at the end of Fall: Chapter 1?
(a) Goodbye.
(b) Done.
(c) Monster.
(d) Trainwreck.

8. Which idiom-laden phrase does Evvie use to describe what had happened the one time Andy and Evvie had "earnestly tried to look meaningfully at each other" (17)?
(a) They had bent over backwards to keep from laughing.
(b) They had come apart laughing.
(c) They had died laughing.
(d) They had cracked up laughing.

9. In what grade was Evvie on the occasion on a March day when she was given a ride in a Lexus during a rainstorm?
(a) Ninth.
(b) Tenth.
(c) Eleventh.
(d) Eighth.

10. Lori, the mother of Dean's children, lives in which southern U.S. town?
(a) Birmingham.
(b) Macon.
(c) Charleston.
(d) Atlanta.

11. Evvie discovers in Fall: Chapter 8 that "what had happened to Dean" with his pitching "was called the" (55) what?
(a) Pops.
(b) Nucks.
(c) Yups.
(d) Yips.

12. Evvie threatens to take what action against Ellen Boyd if she does not immediately leave Evvie's porch?
(a) To punch her.
(b) To kick her.
(c) To stomp on her foot.
(d) To pull her hair.

13. Which character meets Evvie in the parking lot on the day of the tree-planting ceremony celebrating Tim's life?
(a) Andy.
(b) Monica.
(c) Dean.
(d) Frank.

14. The end of the prologue states, "She later figured" that Tim had "probably died while she was waiting at the stoplight" (3) a block away from which landmark?
(a) The church where they got married.
(b) The elementary school where they had first met.
(c) The county building where they had applied for their marriage license.
(d) The parking lot where he had taught her how to drive.

15. Evvie knows to ask the woman at the door for a business card because which character had done the same for her after Tim's accident?
(a) Andy.
(b) Eileen.
(c) Nona.
(d) Lori.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dean and Evvie agree that Maine is "the oldest and" most what "state in the country" (71)?

2. Which character asks Evvie many questions about Dean on Thanksgiving Day?

3. Which baseball player is said to have undergone the same affliction that "had happened to Dean" (55)?

4. In Fall: Chapter 2, it is revealed that Andy has been divorced for how many years?

5. Dean says that which character(s) had "pushed [him] really hard" (75) to go to an All-Star Camp for baseball?

(see the answer keys)

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