Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Evvie Drake Starts Over Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What shade of blue does Evvie paint the apartment at the back of the house Tim buys for them to live in?
(a) Peacock.
(b) Periwinkle.
(c) Azure.
(d) Sky.

2. Dean and Evvie agree that Maine is "the oldest and" most what "state in the country" (71)?
(a) Coldest.
(b) Most backwards.
(c) Whitest.
(d) Richest.

3. What event marks the first breach of the pact between Evvie and Dean?
(a) Evvie tells Dean about the tree-planting ceremony.
(b) Evvie kisses Dean.
(c) Dean tells Evvie about his appointment with the sports psychologist.
(d) Dean tells Evvie that Andy is in love with her.

4. How many daughters does Andy have with his ex-wife Lori?
(a) 3.
(b) 4.
(c) 5.
(d) 2.

5. To what location does Dean first go when he arrives in Calcasset, Maine?
(a) The hospital.
(b) A motel.
(c) Andy's house.
(d) Evvie's house.

6. Which character meets Evvie in the parking lot on the day of the tree-planting ceremony celebrating Tim's life?
(a) Andy.
(b) Dean.
(c) Monica.
(d) Frank.

7. What color is the suitcase that Evvie retrieves from the hall closet, packs, and puts into her car at the start of the prologue?
(a) Blue.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Black.
(d) Red.

8. The woman who knocks on Evvie's door at the beginning of Chapter 8, Ellen Boyd, has a job in what field?
(a) Journalism.
(b) Landscaping.
(c) Art restoration.
(d) Accounting.

9. An article in the issue of Sports Illustrated mentioned in Fall: Chapter 1 is said to be about a baseball player "who woke up one day and couldn't" take what action "anymore" (10)?
(a) Pitch.
(b) Bunt.
(c) Hit.
(d) Run.

10. Which character asks Evvie many questions about Dean on Thanksgiving Day?
(a) Andy.
(b) Kell.
(c) Dean.
(d) Monica.

11. In what decade was the term used to describe Dean's affliction coined, according to the narrator?
(a) The 1920s.
(b) The 1970s.
(c) The 1950s.
(d) The 1940s.

12. On what day of the week do Evvie and Andy always meet for a particular meal?
(a) Saturday.
(b) Wednesday.
(c) Friday.
(d) Sunday.

13. The issue of Sports Illustrated through which Evvie glances in Fall: Chapter 1 contains a story about a baseball player from which team?
(a) The Cubs.
(b) The Yankees.
(c) The Mariners.
(d) The Mets.

14. Evvie discovers in Fall: Chapter 8 that "what had happened to Dean" with his pitching "was called the" (55) what?
(a) Yups.
(b) Nucks.
(c) Pops.
(d) Yips.

15. After Evvie has known Dean for two months, she considers him to listen "like a" (73) what?
(a) Like an automaton.
(b) Like a journalist.
(c) Like a transcriber.
(d) Like a psychiatrist.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what object does Evvie prop open the door connecting the main part of the house with Dean's apartment?

2. To which character does Evvie send a text in the prologue saying that Tim has been in a car accident?

3. Tim's mother Lila always smells of what scent, according to Evvie?

4. Which idiom-laden phrase does Evvie use to describe what had happened the one time Andy and Evvie had "earnestly tried to look meaningfully at each other" (17)?

5. When Dean is leaning toward accepting Ted's offer to help coach his team, he thinks to himself that he could at least counsel the kids not to take what action in the event any of them did become professional athletes?

(see the answer keys)

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