Evvie Drake Starts Over Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Evvie Drake Starts Over Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Linda Holmes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Spring: Chapters 20-28, 147-214.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what location does Evvie find Dean when she goes out in the middle of the night to follow him in Fall: Chapter 14?
(a) The batting cages.
(b) Dacey Park.
(c) The riverbank.
(d) The grocery store.

2. In Winter: Chapter 13, Andy comes to cheer Dean up after an article in what magazine has focused upon Dean's failures?
(a) Details.
(b) Sports Illustrated.
(c) GQ.
(d) Esquire.

3. In what gesture do Evvie and Dean engage after he expresses his gratitude for the way she had stood up to the woman on the porch?
(a) A shrug.
(b) A high-five.
(c) A fist-bump.
(d) A hug.

4. What color are the small flowers on the dishes Evvie uses to host Thanksgiving in Chapter 11?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Red.
(c) Pink.
(d) Blue.

5. With what gesture had Evvie and Andy always ended their weekly breakfasts before Andy began dating Monica seriously?
(a) A piggyback ride.
(b) A kiss.
(c) A hug.
(d) A high-five.

Short Answer Questions

1. Once Evvie uses a particular object to prop open the door between the main house and Dean's apartment, they begin to only close the door on which occasions?

2. Evvie reveals that she took what action in high school in order to ensure that Tim would be valedictorian?

3. In Fall: Chapter 14, Evvie realizes that Dean has not kissed her since what day?

4. What hairstyling step does Evvie forego before her trip with Dean for fear of looking like she is "trying too hard" (191)?

5. At what type of school does Ted, the man Evvie introduces to Dean, coach football?

(see the answer key)

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