Evita: The Real Life of Eva Peron Test | Final Test - Medium

Nicholas Fraser
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Evita: The Real Life of Eva Peron Test | Final Test - Medium

Nicholas Fraser
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Eva after an event that began to change the way that she acted in the country?
(a) She didn't make sense.
(b) She didn't listen to Peron.
(c) She fainted.
(d) She left.

2. Many people suspect that Eva found out that she had ________ at that time.
(a) Uterine cancer.
(b) Gallstones.
(c) A baby.
(d) An affair.

3. Who gave a speech about all of Eva's accomplishments, which was something this person never did before?
(a) Peron.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Juan.
(d) The cabinet.

4. How many copies did Eva's autobiography nearly end up selling during her dying period?
(a) 200,000.
(b) 10,000.
(c) 25,000.
(d) 100,000.

5. For many, the struggle over Eva's body was a struggle for ___________ power.
(a) Political party.
(b) Ideological.
(c) Location.
(d) Workers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dr. Ara was put in charge of _________ Evita's body so that it could be viewed for decades.

2. Eva's book was to be called "My ________ in Life," according to the research done in this book.

3. Eva began to seem outraged by the fact that ________ even existed, as evidenced in her speeches.

4. Eva's foundation did threaten those corporations when they refused to ____________.

5. For many who watched the Evita musical, it seemed to be silly, but also supportive of _________.

Short Essay Questions

1. What happened during the time in which Eva was confined to bedrest?

2. What was the reason that Eva gave when asked why she did not have children of her own?

3. What were two of the laws that Peron pushed through during his presidency, one good and one with possible negative consequences?

4. What was the role of Oliver Stone in the creation of a movie about Eva?

5. Where would Eva find funding for the Eva Peron Foundation, according to the book?

6. What happened as a result of Peron confronting the Catholic Church in hopes of subordinating it to him?

7. What did the press have to say about the story when Eva fainted at an event?

8. Where did Eva's newfound confidence and emotions in her speeches come from, according to the writer?

9. What was the medical treatment that Eva eventually had that allowed her to improve?

10. What were the challenges facing Peron's power at the time when Eva began to be more powerful?

(see the answer keys)

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