Evicted Test | Final Test - Medium

Matthew Desmond
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Evicted Test | Final Test - Medium

Matthew Desmond
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On Scott's "Five Year Plan" that he established after moving to his own apartment in Chapter 23, what was Number One?
(a) Find an apartment.
(b) Back to nursing.
(c) Find a man.
(d) Get a job.

2. About how many nonpayment evictions did New York City see each day in 2012?
(a) 39.
(b) 49.
(c) 26.
(d) 90.

3. For how many years had Lenny worked for College Mobile Home Park when his employment was terminated?
(a) 25.
(b) 12.
(c) 5.
(d) 16.

4. When did Congress outlaw housing discrimination against children and families?
(a) 1999.
(b) 1988.
(c) 1992.
(d) 1983.

5. Why did Crystal call 911 three times in a night in Chapter 15?
(a) To report a burglary in the building.
(b) To report domestic abuse upstairs.
(c) To report Arleen's drug overdose.
(d) To report that her husband was trying to break in.

Short Answer Questions

1. What percentage of landlords who received a nuisance citation for domestic violence responded by evicting the tenants or threatening to evict them for future phone calls to police?

2. What does the author define "the home" as in his Epilogue (293)?

3. About how much money was Tobin taking home annually from College Mobile Home Park in 2008-2009?

4. How much money was the cheapest motel that Pam could find in Chapter 19?

5. Where was the apartment that Vanetta and Crystal were finally approved for in Chapter 21?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Scott finally get clean?

2. How does the author define the meaning of "home" in his Epilogue?

3. How does the author describe the impacts of poverty on the Hinkston family in Chapter 21?

4. How common were arrangements like Arleen's and Crystal's?

5. What did Arleen lie about when Carol screened her for the apartment? Why?

6. What were the impacts of the fire in Kamala's apartment on Sherrena and Quentin?

7. How does the author justify Larraine's spending habits in Chapter 18?

8. What are examples in the book of how the author juxtaposes the lifestyles of the landlords versus those of the tenants?

9. What did Larraine do after she got her food stamps reinstated in Chapter 18?

10. How does the author describe the impacts of having little esteem in one's neighbors in poor neighborhoods in Chapter 14?

(see the answer keys)

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