Everything That Rises Must Converge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Everything That Rises Must Converge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the story "Revelation," what does Mrs. Turpin say is "the worst thing in the world"?
(a) A person with a bad disposition
(b) A black person
(c) An ungrateful person
(d) A white-trash person

2. In the story "Revelation," what does the teenage girl call Mrs. Turpin?
(a) A filthy pig
(b) An old wart hog
(c) A wart hog from hell
(d) A demon pig

3. In "The Lame Shall Enter First," why does Norton spend so much time looking through the telescope?
(a) He thinks he sees his mother in the stars.
(b) He wants to be an astronaut.
(c) He is interested in astronomy.
(d) He believes his father will like him more if he does so.

4. In the story "Revelation," what does the white-trash woman propose doing to all black people?
(a) Treating them equally
(b) Hiring them as farm hands
(c) Sending them back to Africa
(d) Making them slaves again

5. In the story "The Comforts of Home," why does Thomas threaten to leave his mother's home?
(a) Because she has given Star a key to their home
(b) Because she has bailed Star out of jail
(c) Because she wants him to date Star
(d) Because she continues to let Star live there

Short Answer Questions

1. In the story "Revelation," who is at the lowest rung of social class in Mrs. Turpin's opinion?

2. In the story "Judgment Day," who owns the land that Tanner and Coleman live on?

3. In the story "Parker's Back," why does Parker begin getting tattoos?

4. In the story "Greenleaf," why do the May boys begin fighting during dinner one night?

5. In the story "The Comforts of Home," why is Star jailed?

Short Essay Questions

1. In the story "Parker's Back," what things does Parker say his wife does not approve of?

2. Describe the "communion" that Asbury, Randall and Morgan take in the story "The Enduring Chill."

3. In the story "A View of the Woods," how does Mary Fortune react when her father beats her?

4. In the story "A View of the Woods," what does Fortune notice about the woods in front of the Pitts' home on the night before he sells the lot?

5. In the story "The Enduring Chill," how does the author characterize the relationship between Mary George and Asbury?

6. Describe Star's fictitious background in the story "The Comforts of Home."

7. In the story "The Enduring Chill," how does Dr. Block respond when Asbury tells him he cannot understand his illness?

8. In the story "Judgment Day," what does Tanner say will happen on judgment day?

9. In "The Lame Shall Enter First," how does Norton react when Rufus tells him about hell? Why?

10. In the story "Revelation," why does Mrs. Turpin continue to repeat the phrase "there's a heap of things worse than a nigger"?

(see the answer keys)

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