Everything on a Waffle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Polly Horvath
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Everything on a Waffle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Polly Horvath
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During the boring speeches at a town meeting, Primrose searches her mother's notebook for clues. Instead, she finds only two items. What are they?
(a) Two short stories.
(b) A poem and a song.
(c) A recipe and a grocery list.
(d) A sweater pattern and her parents' wedding photo.

2. When does Primrose move to Uncle Jack's house?
(a) In the Winter.
(b) In July.
(c) In the Spring.
(d) At the end of summer, to start school.

3. The sheriff shows Primrose something that has been found near a deserted island. What is it?
(a) A baby seal.
(b) A whale.
(c) Her father's boat.
(d) Her mother's raincoat.

4. What gift does Uncle Jack give Primrose?
(a) A seal.
(b) A puppy.
(c) A teddy bear.
(d) A pony.

5. When did Primrose's family decide to spend some quality time together?
(a) After her parents came back from a vacation without her.
(b) After Primrose was lost at the circus.
(c) When Primrose's baby sister was born.
(d) Before her parents went on a vacation without her.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much is Miss Perfidy being paid each hour to watch Primrose?

2. Primrose asks the sheriff if he or she has ever believed something, in spite of all the evidence. What is the sherriff's answer?

3. What is the name of the sheriff who takes Primrose away?

4. Primrose tells Uncle Jack he could sell the "cinnamon house" if he would just do one thing. What is it?

5. How many brothers and sisters does Primrose have?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Uncle Jack want to change Coal Harbour?

2. Who suggests that Primrose live with her nearest relative, Uncle Jack?

3. Why are Primrose's sweaters left at Miss Perfidy's house?

4. What does Miss Bowzer teach Primrose to bake that is both "tricky" and "sweet," and why?

5. When does Primrose move to Uncle Jack's House?

6. The children who taunt her remind Primrose of what vegetable?

7. Why does the town hold a memorial service for Primrose's parents in Chapter 1?

8. What does the reader expect to happen when the sheriff takes Primrose to his office?

9. How does Miss Bowzer feel about Uncle Jack's actions as a real estate developer?

10. Does Primrose believe in intuition?

(see the answer keys)

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