Everything on a Waffle Test | Final Test - Easy

Polly Horvath
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Everything on a Waffle Test | Final Test - Easy

Polly Horvath
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What activity does Uncle Jack suggest that Primrose try instead of just walking on the pier?
(a) Catching small fish and selling them to the mink farm.
(b) Looking for clues to her parents' disappearance.
(c) Building sandcastles.
(d) Catching whales.

2. What permanent injury does Primrose suffer from the incident?
(a) She loses one little toe.
(b) She loses her thumb.
(c) She loses her arm.
(d) She loses her little finger.

3. What does Uncle Jack have for dinner?
(a) Creamed chicken on a waffle.
(b) Strawberries on a waffle.
(c) Swordfish on a waffle.
(d) Tuna salad.

4. Who does Uncle Jack have in mind as the team's goalie?
(a) Primrose.
(b) Miss Perfidy.
(c) A Cambodian orphan with one foot.
(d) Miss Honeycut.

5. What does Primrose do while Uncle Jack is showing the "cinnamon house"?
(a) She climbs a tree because she is scared.
(b) She naps under a car because she is tired.
(c) She shivers because she is cold.
(d) She amuses herself in the street because she is bored.

6. Why does Miss Bowzer serve every menu item on a waffle?
(a) She accidentally made too much waffle batter.
(b) She wants to give her customers a little something extra.
(c) She believes waffles are the new broccoli.
(d) She hates waffles.

7. Walking on the beach with Mallomar, what animals does Primrose see first?
(a) Chimpanzees.
(b) Sharks.
(c) Crabs.
(d) Seals.

8. Who makes get-well cards for Primrose while she is in the hospital?
(a) Every person in Ontario.
(b) Everyone in Coal Harbour.
(c) Her classmates.
(d) Every baker in British Columbia.

9. Who joins Primrose on the beach?
(a) Miss Honeycut and Miss Bowzer.
(b) Uncle Ted and Miss Bowzer.
(c) Miss Honeycut and Miss Perfidy.
(d) Miss Honeycut and Uncle Ted.

10. What interesting fact did Primrose's father share about animals?
(a) That puppies can swim.
(b) That cows are not very smart.
(c) That orcas swim even when they are asleep.
(d) That geese lay eggs.

11. What does Miss Perfidy say about the missing sweaters?
(a) That she left the sweaters outside for the birds.
(b) That she gave the sweaters to Primrose's classmates.
(c) That she does not remember Primrose having any sweaters.
(d) That she would remember if she gave the sweaters away.

12. What does Primrose think about Miss Bowzer's habit of serving everything on a waffle?
(a) She prefers broccoli.
(b) She likes it because waffles are yummier cold.
(c) She hates it because she hates waffles.
(d) She thinks it makes the restaurant charming and quirky, like Coal Harbour.

13. Who are Evie and Bert?
(a) Primrose's aunt and uncle.
(b) Uncle Jack's parents.
(c) Uncle Jack's children.
(d) Primrose's foster parents.

14. In what sport does Uncle Jack hope to involve Primrose?
(a) Tennis.
(b) Hockey.
(c) Soccer.
(d) Swimming.

15. Whose home catches on fire?
(a) Primrose's sandcastle.
(b) Evie and Bert's new townhouse.
(c) Uncle Jack's house.
(d) Miss Perfidy's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What recipe is not given in the book?

2. How does Child and Family Services become involved in Primrose's case?

3. Evie and Bert buy a home in Coal Harbour. Where is it?

4. Why are ladies from the church at the beach?

5. Why does Primrose like Miss Bowzer's habit of serving everything on a waffle?

(see the answer keys)

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