Everything on a Waffle Test | Final Test - Easy

Polly Horvath
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Everything on a Waffle Test | Final Test - Easy

Polly Horvath
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Uncle Jack spend the night after the fire?
(a) In the firehouse.
(b) In the hospital.
(c) At his house.
(d) At the gym.

2. What permanent injury does Primrose suffer from the incident?
(a) She loses her arm.
(b) She loses her thumb.
(c) She loses her little finger.
(d) She loses one little toe.

3. Does Primrose think that Evie and Bert are nice?
(a) Yes, but their house doesn't feel like home.
(b) No, they are mean.
(c) No, she hates them.
(d) Yes, but they have too many kids.

4. Who does Uncle Jack rescue from the fire?
(a) Miss Honeycut.
(b) Bert and Evie.
(c) Miss Perfidy.
(d) Primrose.

5. Who visits Primrose in the hospital?
(a) Uncle Teddy.
(b) Her parents.
(c) The mayor.
(d) Miss Honeycut.

6. To whom does Uncle Jack try to sell a house at dinner, after the guinea pig incident?
(a) Miss Honeycut.
(b) Miss Bowzer.
(c) Miss Perfidy.
(d) Uncle Ted.

7. What does Miss Bowzer say when Uncle Jack wants to buy her restaurant?
(a) Yes, she will sell it today.
(b) Yes, she will sell it next winter.
(c) No, she does not want to sell it.
(d) No, she wants to turn it into a book store.

8. Who do Evie, Bert and Primrose meet at dinner?
(a) Miss Honeycut.
(b) Mr. Cantina.
(c) Uncle Jack.
(d) Miss Perfidy.

9. How does Uncle Jack get injured in the fire?
(a) Rescuing Bert and Evie.
(b) Falling out of a tree.
(c) Rescuing Primrose.
(d) Rescuing Miss Honeycut.

10. Miss Honeycut thinks that she and Uncle Jack could be a couple, if only... what?
(a) If only Uncle Jack was taller.
(b) If only she would gain weight.
(c) If only Primrose was out of the picture.
(d) If only she would learn to cook better.

11. How would most people describe Primrose's hair color?
(a) Blond.
(b) Black.
(c) Red.
(d) Brown.

12. After the guinea pig incident, where do Primrose and Uncle Jack go for dinner?
(a) The Girl on a Red Swing restaurant.
(b) The Girl on a Yellow Swing restaurant.
(c) Uncle Jack's house.
(d) Miss Perfidy's house.

13. What activity does Uncle Jack suggest that Primrose try instead of just walking on the pier?
(a) Building sandcastles.
(b) Looking for clues to her parents' disappearance.
(c) Catching small fish and selling them to the mink farm.
(d) Catching whales.

14. What does Primrose think about Miss Bowzer's habit of serving everything on a waffle?
(a) She thinks it makes the restaurant charming and quirky, like Coal Harbour.
(b) She hates it because she hates waffles.
(c) She likes it because waffles are yummier cold.
(d) She prefers broccoli.

15. Does Miss Honeycut believe in intuition?
(a) No, she is a realist.
(b) Yes, but only by children.
(c) No, it is against her religion.
(d) Yes, she knows what her sister is thinking.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Uncle Jack try to do at Miss Honeycut's dinner?

2. Why do two classmates help Primrose carry home the guinea pig's cage?

3. What is unique about Miss Perfidy's confusion?

4. When Primrose follows Uncle Jack's advice, how does it end up?

5. Why does Primrose try to cut the guinea pig's hair?

(see the answer keys)

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