Everything Is Illuminated: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Everything Is Illuminated: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the Tolerable Rabbi call the winner "Kolker"?
(a) Because he is from Kolki.
(b) Because he is a cook.
(c) Because of his profession.
(d) Because he is from Kolkensberg.

2. What does Alex's father call him?
(a) Shapka.
(b) Alex.
(c) Alexi-stop-spleening-me.
(d) Clumsy One.

3. Yankel was once known by what other name?
(a) Safran.
(b) Jonathan.
(c) Kolker.
(d) Didl.

4. What does Little Igor's father buy him in an attempt to make him feel better?
(a) A car.
(b) A trip.
(c) A horse.
(d) A bicycle.

5. Throughout the novel, who is Jonathan looking for?
(a) His grandfather.
(b) Safran.
(c) His grandmother.
(d) Augustine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What ailment does Grandfather claim to have?

2. What does the note that Yankel wrote say?

3. What lie does Yankel tell himself?

4. Who is in the photo that Jonathan shows to Alex?

5. In "The Lottery, 1791," who wins the lottery?

Short Essay Questions

1. The synagogue has some strange features. Describe some of them.

2. Describe the lottery drawn in "The Lottery, 1791." What do you think of the "lottery"? Explain your reasoning.

3. Describe how Yankel's feels when he finds out that he is going to be a father.

4. Sofiowka claims that the twin girls did not see anything. Do you believe him? Explain your position.

5. Describe Yankel's internal and external characteristics.

6. Why does Alex agree to go to Lutsk? Use the book to aid in your response.

7. "An Overture to Encountering the Hero" is meant to be humorous. What elements make it funny? Why?

8. Describe the relationship between Alex and his father.

9. By the end of "The Very Rigid Search," Alex has yelled at Jonathan twice. Describe these incidents. What is significant about these outbursts?

10. Alex tells Jonathan that he "did not amputate Sammy Davis, Junior, Junior from the story" (55) despite Jonathan's request that he do so. Why would Jonathan not want SDJJ in the story? Why does Alex keep her?

(see the answer keys)

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