Everything Is Illuminated: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

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Everything Is Illuminated: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who says "I am a good person who has lived in a bad time" (227)?
(a) Grandfather.
(b) Alex.
(c) Lista.
(d) Jonathan.

2. When Grandfather asks Alex for his life-savings, what does Alex ask for in exchange?
(a) Sammy Davis Junior, Junior.
(b) The car.
(c) To go with Grandfather.
(d) Forgiveness.

3. What does Grandfather say to the woman they meet in "Falling in Love" that is out of character?
(a) "You are a liar."
(b) "You are brave."
(c) "You are stupid."
(d) "You are very beautiful."

4. Who did Grandfather "murder?"
(a) Father.
(b) Anna.
(c) Herschel.
(d) Safran.

5. Why does Alex lie to his brother?
(a) He wants his brother to be better than him.
(b) He wants his brother to admire him.
(c) He wants his father to be proud of him.
(d) He wants his brother to be happy.

6. Who approaches Alex while he is at the beach?
(a) Father.
(b) Little Igor.
(c) The police.
(d) Grandfather.

7. How many times do Joseph and Sarah L. get married?
(a) 120.
(b) 1.
(c) 12.
(d) 2.

8. Where is the wedding reception held?
(a) At the synagogue.
(b) At Safran's house.
(c) At the river.
(d) At the Double House.

9. What does Safran get paid to do by the Sloucher congregation?
(a) Remodel the Double House.
(b) Go to the movies.
(c) Visit widows.
(d) Read to the illiterate.

10. What does the Gypsy girl want to do with Safran?
(a) She wants to get married.
(b) She wants to play games.
(c) She wants to break up.
(d) She wants to run away together.

11. Who does Safran go see after he finds the Gypsy girl in his home?
(a) The Rabbi.
(b) Zosha.
(c) Lista.
(d) Father.

12. What do Jonathan, Alex, and Grandfather see when they finally reach Trachimbrod?
(a) A ghost town.
(b) Rubble.
(c) Nothing.
(d) The foundations of where buildings used to be.

13. Concerning Jonathan's novel, what does Alex ask Jonathan to do?
(a) He asks Jonathan to delete Augustine from the story.
(b) He asks Jonathan to have Grandfather and Augustine converse.
(c) He asks Jonathan to write about his Grandfather's past.
(d) He asks Jonathan to not write about his Grandfather's past.

14. What is different about Safran when he is born?
(a) Safran is born with hair.
(b) Safran is born with teeth.
(c) Safran is born with a limp arm.
(d) Safran is born prematurely.

15. How did Jonathan's grandmother survive the war?
(a) She left before the Nazis arrived.
(b) She jumped in the river.
(c) She hid in the basement.
(d) She pretended to not be Jewish.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the relationship between Alex and Jonathan in "Letter Dated 12 December 1992"?

2. What is the relationship between "The Dial" and Safran?

3. "The Dial, 1941-1804-1941" goes back and forth between two stories. Who are the two stories about?

4. Who is the bridegroom that the men are waiting for in "The Dial, 1941-1804-1941"?

5. According to Jonathan, what makes women fall in love with Safran?

(see the answer keys)

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