Everything I Never Told You Character Descriptions

Celeste Ng
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Everything I Never Told You Character Descriptions

Celeste Ng
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Lydia Lee

This character is a 16-year old who commits suicide.

Marilyn Lee

This character is a wife and mother who longs to be a doctor.

James Lee

This character is the son of Chinese immigrants who grows up to become a professor.

Nathan "Nath" Lee

This character is the oldest child in his family, and he gets accepted to Harvard.

Hannah Lee

This character is ignored by her family and she spends her life in the shadows of her older siblings.

Louisa Chen

This character is a teaching assistant who has an affair with a professor.

Jack Wolff

This character is a high school student who has a reputation as a womanizer and drives a VW.

Doris Walker

This character is a home economics teacher who wants her daughter to become a housewife and homemaker.

Janet Wolff

This character is a single mother and a doctor.

Stanley Hewitt

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