Everyman, and Medieval Miracle Plays Test | Final Test - Hard

A. C. Cawley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Everyman, and Medieval Miracle Plays Test | Final Test - Hard

A. C. Cawley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Everyman, and Medieval Miracle Plays Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Confession, who will be joining Everyman on his journey?

2. From whom do analysts believe were the originators of the "horrible detail" where Christ's limbs were stretched by cords? (Introduction to "The Crucifixion")

3. According to the introduction to "The Crucifixion", which pageants "make a direct assault on the feelings of the audience"?

4. What does Veronica ask of Caesar for repayment for Caesar's healing? ("The Death of Pilate")

5. What does the messenger say the name of the moral play is that is being presented? ("Everyman")

Short Essay Questions

1. As the accusers are telling Jesus of the "crimes" committed, what is he doing? ("The Women Taken in Adultery")

2. Why does the editor state that The N. Town Cycle of "The Women Taken in Adultery" is the best of all cycles?

3. From what three "raw materials" is the York "Resurrection" drawn?

4. Why does the editor state that the liturgical playwrights "made little use of the Passion theme"?

5. Why was Michael able to lead Adam and the other saints, who were residing in Hell, out of the gates of Hell?

6. What does the editor state will help a reader understand "Everyman" better?

7. Why does Veronica stop Caesar from killing Pilate himself?

8. According to the introduction, what does the York "Resurrection" represent?

9. Why does the editor state that the dialogue in the N.Town cycle of "The Women Taken in Adultery" "rings true"?

10. Describe the poetic form used in "The Judgment".

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In "Everyman", readers learn that it is only through Good Deeds that one may enter the gates of Heaven. What other of the medieval plays contains the same message? How does the play mirror the message in "Everyman"?

Essay Topic 2

"Everyman, and Medieval Miracle Plays have many themes contained within them, and also that traverse between them. Discuss one of the following themes in detail: sacrifice, atonement, forgiveness, or loneliness.

Essay Topic 3

In many of the plays, it is man's trust in God that saves them. Discuss three individuals from the text where man's trust in God allows them to be "saved".

(see the answer keys)

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