Everyman, and Medieval Miracle Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

A. C. Cawley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Everyman, and Medieval Miracle Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

A. C. Cawley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who takes Adam and Eve to middle Earth? ("The Fall of Man")
(a) Gabriel.
(b) God.
(c) Cherubim.
(d) Satan.

2. Who does Abraham state that he loved Isaac as much as? ("Abraham and Isaac")
(a) God.
(b) His wife.
(c) His gifts.
(d) Himself.

3. Which play did the introduction to "Abraham and Isaac" claim had been the superior one?
(a) The Chester play.
(b) The Preston play.
(c) The Waterhouse play.
(d) The Brome play.

4. What error was included in the first edition of A.C. Cawley's text?
(a) Only one pageant was burned in a fire.
(b) All texts were lost, and texts now are only reproductions.
(c) Three texts were burned in a fire.
(d) No texts were ever lost.

5. What does God tell Noah about his feelings about mankind? ("The Flood")
(a) He wishes that Satan would leave mankind alone.
(b) He wished that man would change his ways.
(c) He wished he had never made man.
(d) He blames Eve for the fall of mankind.

6. Who does the second shepherd say is woeful? ("The Second Shepherds' Pageant")
(a) The inn-keeper.
(b) A rooster.
(c) A married man.
(d) His flock.

7. What does God say would inspire the "might of me"? ("The Creation, and The Fall of Lucifer" )
(a) "My body in bliss."
(b) "A place full of plenty."
(c) "All might is in me."
(d) "Worthy work of my will."

8. Where does "The Second Shepherds' Pageant" end?
(a) An inn.
(b) A stable.
(c) An open field.
(d) Mak's home.

9. According to the introduction to "The Flood", what rhyme is used "occasionally" in the stanzas?
(a) Tail-rhyme.
(b) Fluid-rhyme.
(c) Stop-rhyme.
(d) End-rhyme.

10. What "bearer" is Lucifer? ("The Creation, and The Fall of Lucifer" )
(a) The bearer of light.
(b) The bearer of hell.
(c) The bearer of Earth.
(d) The bearer of life on Earth.

11. What did the introduction state was the name of the sheep-stealer? ("The Second Shepherds' Pageant")
(a) Mak.
(b) John.
(c) Luke.
(d) Din.

12. What does the messenger do as Herod enters the scene? (Herod the Great")
(a) Sings.
(b) Bows.
(c) Prays.
(d) Runs.

13. Where did the third shepherd tell the others he had left their sheep? ("The Second Shepherds' Pageant")
(a) In the pasture.
(b) In the corn.
(c) In the wheat.
(d) In the barn.

14. What are both the first and second shepherd afraid the third shepherd will do to them? ("The Second Shepherds' Pageant")
(a) Run from them.
(b) Lie to them.
(c) Steal from them.
(d) Murder them.

15. What was the beginning of liturgical drama?
(a) Easter.
(b) The Second Coming of Christ.
(c) Passover.
(d) Christmas.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many windows does God tell Noah to put in the Ark? ("The Flood")

2. Where does Scene II open? ("The Second Shepherds' Pageant")

3. Where does Scene II open? ("The Annunciation")

4. How old are the children that Herod orders murdered by his soldiers? ("Herod the Great")

5. What is the original name for Bethlehem in the text? ("The Annunciation")

(see the answer keys)

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