Everyman, and Medieval Miracle Plays Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

A. C. Cawley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Everyman, and Medieval Miracle Plays Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

A. C. Cawley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose child does Mary tell Joseph that she is carrying? ("The Annunciation")
(a) She is not sure.
(b) No one's.
(c) His.
(d) An unknown man's.

2. Why does Noah's wife say that she would be no help to the building of the Ark? ("The Flood")
(a) She needed to cook.
(b) She needed to prepare for the journey.
(c) She needed to sew.
(d) Women are weak.

3. What does Abraham ask of God in regard to Isaac? ("Abraham and Isaac")
(a) That Isaac will inherit the Earth.
(b) That Isaac will be King one day.
(c) That Isaac will always be healthy.
(d) That Isaac will see God.

4. In all "what" is The Flood dramatized in? (Introduction to "The Flood")
(a) Miracle cycles.
(b) Religious faiths.
(c) Catholic doctrines.
(d) Christian myths.

5. At the opening of "Herod the Great", what is the messenger asking the audience to do?
(a) Take a seat.
(b) Hold their laughter.
(c) Stomp their feet.
(d) Be quiet.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Scene I in "The Creation, and The Fall of Lucifer" open?

2. At the end of "Cain and Abel", what does Cain state that he wanted to hide from?

3. To whom does Jesus tell man not to be vengeful towards? ("The Women Taken in Adultery")

4. Where does Scene II open? ("The Annunciation")

5. Which solider claims to be the best of all Herod's soldiers? ("Herod the Great")

(see the answer key)

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