Everyday Use Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Everyday Use Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ms. Johnson offer Wangero instead of the two quilts Grandma Dee pieced?
(a) Grandma Dee's butter dish.
(b) The butter churn dasher and top.
(c) Her mother's wedding dress.
(d) One or two other quilts in her collection.

2. What does Wangero feel on the benches when she runs her hands along them?
(a) Rump prints.
(b) Chips in the wood.
(c) Splinters.
(d) The smooth surface of the varnished wood.

3. How did Ms. Johnson used to think Dee felt about Maggie?
(a) That Dee adored Maggie.
(b) That Dee considered Maggie an embarrassment.
(c) That Dee was jealous of Maggie.
(d) That Dee hated Maggie.

4. Whose hand closes over Grandma Dee's butter dish at dinner?
(a) Maggie's.
(b) Ms. Johnson's.
(c) Wangero's.
(d) Hakim-a-barber's.

5. How does Dee look in comparison to Maggie?
(a) She's lighter in complexion with nicer hair and a fuller figure.
(b) She's shorter and has more warts.
(c) She's taller and fatter.
(d) She's more freckled and wears thicker glasses.

6. How much does Dee think Grandma Dee's quilts are worth?
(a) She thinks they're worth a few dozen dollars.
(b) She doesn't think they're worth anything.
(c) She thinks they're worth a few hundred dollars.
(d) She thinks they're priceless.

7. What does Ms. Johnson note is still in the butter churn during dinner?
(a) Milk that has turned to clabber.
(b) Grandma Dee's apron.
(c) Butter.
(d) A mouse.

8. Who in the Johnson family had the name Dee before Dee and the woman for whom Dee was named?
(a) Ms. Johnson's mother-in-law.
(b) Grandma Dee and her mother, Great Grandma Dee.
(c) A first cousin.
(d) A great aunt.

9. After dinner, who goes into Ms. Johnson's room and riffles through the trunk at the foot of Ms. Johnson's bed?
(a) Ms. Johnson.
(b) Hakim-a-barber.
(c) Maggie.
(d) Wangero.

10. What does Maggie wear for Dee's arrival in "Everyday Use"?
(a) Blue jeans and a white blouse.
(b) A mini skirt.
(c) Overalls.
(d) A pink skirt and red blouse.

11. What kind of dress does Dee wear to her graduation?
(a) Purple and white paisley.
(b) Blue gingham.
(c) Red silk.
(d) Yellow organdy.

12. How far back can Ms. Johnson trace her family tree?
(a) To her grandmother.
(b) To the Civil War.
(c) Beyond the Civil War.
(d) To her great-grandmother.

13. Which Johnson women know how to quilt?
(a) Maggie, Ms. Johnson, Wangero and Aunt Dicie.
(b) Everyone but Wangero.
(c) Ms. Johnson, Wangero, and Grandma Dee.
(d) Maggie, Grandma Dee and Wangero.

14. What scraps of Grandma Dee's clothing are in the quilts?
(a) Pieces of her old pillow cases.
(b) Pieces of her old flannel nightgowns.
(c) Pieces of her old aprons.
(d) Pieces of dresses Grandma Dee wore over 50 years ago.

15. To what does Dee change her name?
(a) Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo.
(b) Raelene Jordan.
(c) Ariella Candace Jones.
(d) Kenisha Jackson.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of "Everyday Use," who does Ms. Johnson say will regard Dee with a mixture of envy and awe?

2. What happens to the Johnson's previous house ten to twelve years before the events in "Everyday Use"?

3. What scrap of Great Grandpa Ezra's clothing is in the quilts?

4. When their school closes after the second grade, why don't the local Blacks protest?

5. How does Ms. Johnson describe Dee's feet?

(see the answer keys)

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