Every Soul a Star Test | Final Test - Medium

Wendy Mass
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Every Soul a Star Test | Final Test - Medium

Wendy Mass
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Ally 5," Kenny reports that they received an email from whom?
(a) The government.
(b) The SETI people.
(c) Ryan's grandparents.
(d) Ally's new school.

2. Who does Bree think is weird in "Bree 5" for congratulating her?
(a) Stella.
(b) Kenny.
(c) Ally.
(d) Jack.

3. Which character shows interest in Ally's meteorite in "Ally 5"?
(a) Stella.
(b) Kenny.
(c) Jack.
(d) Melanie.

4. What is one thing Ally and Bree talk loudly about in front of Ally's parents in order to show them a bad side of the suburbs?
(a) The high gas prices in the suburbs.
(b) How drugs are prevalent.
(c) The presence of gangs.
(d) Unfriendly neighbors.

5. Whom does Jack hope Mr. Silver will allow to join their experiment?
(a) Ryan.
(b) Bree.
(c) Ally.
(d) Melanie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What activity is Stella doing at the beginning of "Jack 4"?

2. In "Bree 6," what does Bree decide to leave behind?

3. For whom does the email received in "Ally 5" have disappointing news?

4. What does an eclipse viewer do?

5. Why does Bree decide to leave something behind in "Bree 6"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Bree accuse Jack of in "Bree 6," and how does Jack respond?

2. How is Bree affected by seeing the moon at the end of "Bree 6"?

3. What evidence of a change in Jack can be seen in "Jack 6"?

4. What is Jack's reaction to the crisis at the beginning of "Jack 4"?

5. Why does leadership of Mr. Silver's experiment change hands in "Jack 5"?

6. Describe Ally's lecture, given in "Jack 5."

7. What crisis does "Jack 4" open with, and what is the outcome?

8. What is the first thing Jack notices about Ryan when they meet, and what does this suggest about Jack?

9. What conflicting advice do Bree and Melanie give Ally in "Bree 6"?

10. Describe 'First contact' and 'Second contact'.

(see the answer keys)

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