Every Soul a Star Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Wendy Mass
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Every Soul a Star Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Wendy Mass
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Ally 5, Bree 5, Jack 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is there is a six-year-old boy on the floor in "Bree 4"?
(a) He was tripped.
(b) He slipped on something and fell.
(c) It is not clear how he got there.
(d) He is having a seizure.

2. What slang word does the arrival of Bree at the campground allow Ally to understand the meaning of?
(a) "Cutie."
(b) "Gold digger."
(c) "Hottie."
(d) "Snob."

3. At the beginning of "Ally 4," what does Ally try to convince Ryan would be cool?
(a) Kissing.
(b) Astronomical phenomena.
(c) A talent show.
(d) Listening to music.

4. What does Bree find in Ally's notebook when she flips through it in "Bree 4"?
(a) Diary entries.
(b) Astronomy pictures and information.
(c) Cartoons of space and comets.
(d) Ally's list of things to do that summer.

5. What is Bree told in "Bree 3" that she will see at the campsite, but she doesn't know what it is?
(a) A specific species of insect.
(b) A solar eclipse.
(c) Star constellations.
(d) A specific species of tree.

Short Answer Questions

1. What educational materials does Mr. Silver give Jack right away in "Jack 3"?

2. How does Ally react to the big news her mother shares with her in "Ally 4," regarding the future of the campground?

3. Where do Bree and Melanie meet up with Clair in "Bree 2"?

4. What is the second action Bree and Ally take to make Bree's parents aware of a disadvantage at Moon Shadow?

5. What does Bree not care about, which stuns Ally?

(see the answer key)

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