Every Note Played Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Lisa Genova
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Every Note Played Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Lisa Genova
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 25 - Chapter 28.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Karina visits Richard in the ninth chapter, she barely notices what outside?
(a) Boxes of Richard's belongings.
(b) A "For Sale" sign.
(c) A wheelchair ramp.
(d) A motorized lift.

2. What feast does Karina make on Christmas Eve?
(a) Kūčios.
(b) Wigilia.
(c) La Vigilia.
(d) The 13 Desserts.

3. What are the results of the breathing study performed after Christmas Eve?
(a) He cannot hold his breath for more than thirty seconds.
(b) He can no longer talk and breathe at the same time.
(c) He can no longer inhale through his nose.
(d) His ability to exhale has decreased.

4. As Richard is lying in bed at the beginning of the sixth chapter, what is he practicing?
(a) Scales with his left hand.
(b) Squeezing a ball.
(c) Moving his toes.
(d) A speech to his daughter.

5. While in New Orleans, what does Karina call "a prison of her own making"?
(a) Her failed marriage.
(b) Her childhood.
(c) Her unfulfilled life.
(d) Her education.

Short Answer Questions

1. What jazz pianist does Karina see while in New Orleans?

2. From whom did Grace learn about Richard's ALS diagnosis?

3. When Bill demands to speak privately with Karina, he expresses what concern?

4. What lift will help Karina move Richard in and out of bed?

5. Why does Richard ask to try some dessert on Christmas Eve?

(see the answer key)

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