Every Man for Himself Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Every Man for Himself Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What advice of Sissy's does Morgan take regarding a frightful image?
(a) He must picture blue skies and puffy clouds.
(b) He must sing Christmas carols in his head.
(c) He must recite Bible verses.
(d) He must picture a giant foot coming down to stomp it flat.

2. Morgan and Rosenfelder think that their opulent lives are _________________.
(a) Abnormal.
(b) Conspicuous.
(c) Just.
(d) Unfair.

3. Which of the following does NOT describe Morgan's behavior following the embarrassing sexual interlude between Wallis and Scurra?
(a) He bears no residual grudge toward Scurra.
(b) He is only minimally bitter toward Wallis.
(c) He is able to keep his vow of not drinking to excess.
(d) He apologizes profusely for the intrusion.

4. What does Morgan loan to Wallis?
(a) An overcoat.
(b) Stateroom key.
(c) A dressing gown.
(d) Slippers.

5. Which of the following did Wallis NOT engage in a game yesterday?
(a) Melchett.
(b) Ginsberg.
(c) Hopper.
(d) Andrews.

6. Why is Wallis feeling sad?
(a) She just broke up with her boyfriend.
(b) She thinks Morgan is avoiding her.
(c) She lost her mink coat.
(d) She wanted to stay in Europe longer.

7. With what is Morgan struggling at the beginning of Chapter 4?
(a) His views on life.
(b) The letter to his uncle.
(c) His feelings for his mother.
(d) The lack of lifeboats.

8. What does Morgan drink before going out on deck for fresh air?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Brandy.
(c) Water.
(d) Red wine.

9. Where is Morgan struck during the racquetball game?
(a) Chest.
(b) Back.
(c) Arm.
(d) Forehead.

10. What drops onto the letter Morgan writes to Walls?
(a) Blood.
(b) Ink.
(c) Coffee.
(d) Tear.

11. What is Morgan's state of mind regarding seeing Wallis and Scurra making love?
(a) He vows to forget it.
(b) He is going to remember it forever.
(c) He is going to approach Wallis about it.
(d) He is going to challenge Scurra.

12. What does Morgan do when he runs into Wallis on the way to dinner?
(a) Slaps her.
(b) Ignores her.
(c) Embraces her.
(d) Invites her to dinner.

13. Morgan thinks of a boyhood trip to ______________ as he hides in Wallis' stateroom.
(a) Mt. Everest.
(b) The Great Barrier Reef.
(c) Mt. Vesuvius.
(d) The Acropolis.

14. For what does Morgan apologize to Wallis?
(a) Insulting her dress last night.
(b) Getting drunk at dinner tonight.
(c) Stepping on her feet while dancing.
(d) Embracing her abruptly in the foyer yesterday.

15. On what day does Chapter 3 take place?
(a) April 12.
(b) April 15.
(c) April 1.
(d) December 31.

Short Answer Questions

1. Thoughts of what continually distract Morgan?

2. What does Andrews want to convert part of the library into?

3. A woman finds ___________ on deck and insists on kind treatment for it.

4. Why does Morgan return to Wallis' stateroom?

5. Morgan experiences his __________ day at sea as Chapter 4 begins.

(see the answer keys)

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