Everlost Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Everlost Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the weather like, when the McGill comes to the piers?
(a) Raining.
(b) Snowing.
(c) Sunny.
(d) Foggy.

2. How many coins does Nick have left after helping the rescued children go into the light?
(a) None.
(b) One.
(c) Three.
(d) Two.

3. What number does the McGill write on Allie's blouse?
(a) 0001.
(b) 966.
(c) 555.
(d) 101.

4. What does the first boy that Allie finds hanging upside-down have on his pajamas?
(a) A robot.
(b) A dinosaur.
(c) A superhero.
(d) A shark.

5. How far apart are the two ghost piers in Atlantic City?
(a) Twenty yards.
(b) Eighty yards.
(c) Forty yards.
(d) Ten yards.

6. What sensation does Allie feel when she enters the old man in the engine room?
(a) Cold.
(b) Heat.
(c) Tingling.
(d) Pain.

7. What handicap do the people in the haunted house have?
(a) They are paralyzed.
(b) They have a degenerative muscle disease.
(c) They are deaf.
(d) They are blind.

8. What does Allie say that the McGill must wait for, as he stands on the dead spot?
(a) A feeling of peace.
(b) A rain cloud.
(c) Midnight.
(d) The sunrise.

9. What is the second step Allie gives the McGill in her skinjacking lessons?
(a) To follow a living person for 24 hours.
(b) To meditate on a mountaintop for 24 hours.
(c) To solve an algebraic equation.
(d) To write a 100-page journal of 100 days.

10. Where do Nick and Lief end up, after running from the ship's crew?
(a) In the engine room.
(b) In the medical bay.
(c) In the galley.
(d) In the hold.

11. What happens when Nick starts swinging himself like a pendulum?
(a) He grabs onto a higher rope.
(b) He breaks his rope.
(c) He gets entangled with Lief.
(d) He accomplishes nothing.

12. What does the mob try to do to Mikey?
(a) Push him into the water.
(b) Push him into the casinos.
(c) Push him into the hold of his boat.
(d) Push him into the ground.

13. What is step seven of Allie's plan for the McGill to learn skinjacking?
(a) A vow of silence.
(b) A month of morning rituals.
(c) A fast without touching food and water.
(d) A yoga meditation.

14. What does the McGill do with the objects he acquires?
(a) He distributes them to Afterlights.
(b) He hoards them.
(c) He displays them in a museum.
(d) He takes them apart and rebuilds them into gadgets.

15. How does Nick feel about Mary at the end of the story?
(a) He still loves her.
(b) He hates her.
(c) He feels cold and uncaring toward her.
(d) He is jealous of her.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many years does Mikey think he needs of "halfway-decent deeds" to make up for his time as a monster?

2. Where did Allie grow up?

3. How does the McGill feel when he sees Allie taking his cookies?

4. What does the McGill think he smells on the deck, after dealing with the captives?

5. What does the boy next to Nick do when he is released from his barrel?

(see the answer keys)

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