Even As We Breathe Test | Final Test - Medium

Annette Saunooke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Even As We Breathe Test | Final Test - Medium

Annette Saunooke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Essie tell Cowney in Chapter Sixteen that softens his hurt at her relationship with another man?
(a) She is going to bake him a birthday cake.
(b) She is moving away soon.
(c) He is her best friend.
(d) She is becoming a nun.

2. What two books does Cowney pack in his suitcase to to back to Asheville in Chapter Eighteen?
(a) The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises.
(b) Ulysses and The Great Gatsby.
(c) For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Sun Also Rises.
(d) The Great Gatsby and Peyton Place.

3. Why does Jonathan Craig tell Cowney he has a cooler of food in his car?
(a) He had been planning to go fishing.
(b) He had been planning to go to the shelter to share food.
(c) He had been planning to visit his daughter.
(d) He had been planning to go golfing.

4. What does Cowney see a bear do for the first time in his life in Chapter Sixteen?
(a) Walk on hind legs.
(b) Wallow in mud.
(c) Sing.
(d) Kill a pig.

5. Who is Essie romantically involved in in Chapter Fourteen?
(a) Lee.
(b) Sol.
(c) Peter.
(d) Andrea.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Lishie and Cowney do together in Chapter Thirteen?

2. What does Cowney feel he has been launched into when the Colonel starts questioning him in Chapter Nineteen?

3. Which friend of Essie's goes with her, Cowney and Peter to canoe?

4. Where does Cowney tell the authorities the bone is?

5. Why is the colonel angry with Cowney when he comes back from looking for the bone in Chapter Twenty?

Short Essay Questions

1. What excuse does Cowney give to Bud when Bud tells Cowney they need to talk after Lishie's funeral?

2. What does Cowney do to try to evade the authorities when he finds out they are looking for him?

3. In Part III, what does Cowney do to Sol that changes the dynamic between them?

4. What is some of the dirtiest work Cowney has to perform at the inn and how does he feel about it?

5. Why does a siren start in Part IV that startles everyone?

6. What does Essie do when she and Cowney are alone in Part III that makes them both laugh, and how does it affect how Cowney sees her?

7. What happens after Cowney tells the military men where to find the bone?

8. What does Essie tell Cowney she thinks Andrea is going to ask her in Part IV?

9. What does Essie tell the authorities about Cowney in Part IV that causes a lot of trouble for him?

10. How does Lishie get Cowney to go to church with her in the start of Part III?

(see the answer keys)

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