Even As We Breathe Test | Final Test - Easy

Annette Saunooke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Even As We Breathe Test | Final Test - Easy

Annette Saunooke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What song that Lishie sings in Chapter Thirteen does Cowney love?
(a) I Won't Back Down.
(b) Amazing Grace.
(c) God's Good Will.
(d) Spirit in the Sky.

2. What does Cowney share with Essie in Chapter Seventeen about his father?
(a) How much he hated being in the army.
(b) The age he was when he died.
(c) The strange and disturbing circumstances of his death.
(d) What he used to do for a living.

3. What is the woman in Jones's store looking to buy in Chapter Twenty-One?
(a) A basket.
(b) A deerskin dress.
(c) A bottle of wine.
(d) A ring.

4. What part of nature does Cowney come across on his walk home from church that he thinks is majestic?
(a) The waterfall.
(b) A rainbow.
(c) A supercell storm.
(d) A volcano erupting.

5. Why does a siren start in Chapter Nineteen?
(a) A diplomat's daughter is missing.
(b) There has been a theft.
(c) A dog has bitten someone.
(d) A soldier has been shot.

6. Why does Cowney say he cannot talk to Bud after Lishie's funeral?
(a) He has to get Essie back to Asheville.
(b) He does not ever want to talk to Bud again.
(c) He is too upset.
(d) He has turned Bud into the police.

7. What does Cowney ask the Colonel about the bone?
(a) If it is sanitary.
(b) If they can return it to him when they are done with it.
(c) If it is considered stolen property.
(d) If it is really from a bear.

8. Why was Jonathan Craig going to visit Lishie, from what he tells Cowney in Chapter Twenty-One?
(a) He had told her he had information for her.
(b) He had told her he had money for her.
(c) She had been asking him to come meet Cowney for a while.
(d) He had promised his own mother he would visit Lishie because they were old friends.

9. Why does Essie tell the authorities about Cowney, implicating him in the crime?
(a) She was in trouble herself for being with Andrea.
(b) She knows Andrea is the killer.
(c) She really secretly dislikes Cowney.
(d) She is the killer.

10. Who helps Cowney with the dirty work he has to do in Chapter Fifteen, even though this person does not have to?
(a) Bud.
(b) Peter Franks.
(c) Andrea.
(d) Essie.

11. What does Cowney want to use to pay for a headstone for Lishie?
(a) His money from the summer.
(b) Money from Lishie's savings.
(c) His own father's pension.
(d) Money from the bear gallbladders.

12. Who encourages Cowney to apply to college in Chapter Twenty-One?
(a) Tsa Tsi.
(b) Essie.
(c) Jones.
(d) Lishie.

13. Who does Cowney call in Chapter Twenty?
(a) Tsa Tsi.
(b) Lishie.
(c) Jonathan Craig.
(d) Bud.

14. What does Cowney leave at the inn in Chapter Twenty-One that is valuable to him?
(a) His wallet.
(b) His diary.
(c) The car.
(d) His mother's ring.

15. What is the church Lishie goes to constructed out of?
(a) Red brick.
(b) White cinderblock.
(c) Stucco.
(d) Clapboard.

Short Answer Questions

1. What dirty and undesirable job does Lee ask Sol and Cowney to do in Chapter Fifteen?

2. Who is Essie romantically involved in in Chapter Fourteen?

3. In Chapter Sixteen, what book is in Lishie's room?

4. Why is the colonel angry with Cowney when he comes back from looking for the bone in Chapter Twenty?

5. What does the new visitor who was friends with Cowney's father give him at Lishie's house in Chapter Seventeen?

(see the answer keys)

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