Evelina Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Evelina Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens while Evelina is at the health resort?
(a) She forgets about Lord Orville.
(b) She becomes angry with Rev. Villars.
(c) Her health declines.
(d) Her health improves.

2. Who fraudulently borrows a coach?
(a) Evelina and Maria.
(b) Sir Clement Willoughby.
(c) Mr. Macartney.
(d) Madame Duval and the Branghtons.

3. While out with her constant companions, how does Evelina feel when she bumps into Lord Orville and Sir Willougby?
(a) Puzzled.
(b) Elated.
(c) Disgraced.
(d) Angry.

4. While Evelina is with Madame Duval, who are their constant companions?
(a) The Tierneys.
(b) The Greenvilles.
(c) The Bromptons.
(d) The Branghtons.

5. Who ignores Evelina when she goes to Mrs. Beaumont’s house?
(a) Lady Louisa Larpent.
(b) Lord Merton.
(c) Sir Clement Willoughby.
(d) Lord Ovrille.

6. Who made the comment that Lord Orville was “designed for the last age”?
(a) Lord Merton.
(b) Mrs. Beaumont.
(c) Mrs. Selwyn.
(d) Evelina.

7. What happens to Evelina because of her depression?
(a) Her health begins to fail.
(b) She begins to have dreams.
(c) She is sent away to an asylum.
(d) She doesn't leave her room.

8. Who is Lady Louisa Larpent the sister of?
(a) Lord Orville.
(b) Sir Clement Willoughby.
(c) Lord Merton.
(d) Captain Larpent.

9. Circumstances bring Evelina and _______________together at Mrs. Beaumont’s.
(a) Rev. Villars.
(b) Sir Clement Willoughby.
(c) Lord Merton.
(d) Lord Orville.

10. What about Lord Orville does Evelina struggle to get out of her thoughts?
(a) His manners.
(b) His gentle voice.
(c) The first time she danced with him.
(d) The letter she thinks that he wrote to her.

11. When Evelina is ignored, who sits next to her and begins a conversation?
(a) Sir Clement Willoughby.
(b) Lady Louisa Larpent.
(c) Lord Orville.
(d) Lord Merton.

12. To whom does Evelina pour her heart out in a letter?
(a) Maria Mirvan.
(b) Rev. Villars.
(c) Lady Howard.
(d) Madame Duval.

13. How did Evelina treat Lord Orville at Mrs. Beaumont’s?
(a) Rudely.
(b) Politely.
(c) Friendly.
(d) Distant.

14. Who is one of Mrs. Beaumont’s friends?
(a) Mrs. Selwyn.
(b) Evelina.
(c) Mrs. Mirvan.
(d) Lady Howard.

15. Whom does Evelina go for a walk with one night down a dark street?
(a) Sir Clement Willoughby.
(b) Polly and Biddy Branghton.
(c) Lord Orville.
(d) Captain Mirvan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Evelina go after receiving a response from her letter to Lord Orville?

2. To whom does Evelina write about Lord Orville’s presence at Mrs. Beaumont’s?

3. When Evelina talks to Lord Orville once again, what does she notice about him?

4. Who goes with Evelina to the health resort?

5. Whom does Madame Duval introduce Evelina to?

(see the answer keys)

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