Evelina Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Evelina Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Letter LXI - Letter LXIV.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who fraudulently borrows a coach?
(a) Sir Clement Willoughby.
(b) Evelina and Maria.
(c) Mr. Macartney.
(d) Madame Duval and the Branghtons.

2. What happens to Evelina after being with Lord Orville at Mrs. Beaumont’s house?
(a) She begins to weaken in her harsh feelings toward Lord Orville.
(b) She decides to put Lord Orville out of her mind and seek the company of Lord Merton.
(c) She decides to avoid Lord Orville at all costs.
(d) She becomes even more heartsick about Lord Orville’s lack of interest.

3. When Evelina is ignored, who sits next to her and begins a conversation?
(a) Sir Clement Willoughby.
(b) Lord Merton.
(c) Lord Orville.
(d) Lady Louisa Larpent.

4. Who dances with Mr. Garrick?
(a) Evelina.
(b) Maria.
(c) Clarinda.
(d) Mrs. Mirvan.

5. Who ignores Evelina when she goes to Mrs. Beaumont’s house?
(a) Lord Merton.
(b) Lady Louisa Larpent.
(c) Sir Clement Willoughby.
(d) Lord Ovrille.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who came to Evelina’s defense when the foppish man makes fun of her at the ball?

2. What was Evelina’s response to the first man’s question about her “already being engaged with a more fortunate man”?

3. After attending the first event in London, Evelina intends to ________________________.

4. What is the tone of the response letter written by the person pretending to be Lord Orville?

5. While Evelina is with Madame Duval, who are their constant companions?

(see the answer key)

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