Eva Luna Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eva Luna Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Chief find when he comes into the store in Chapter 8?
(a) Zulema dead on the ground.
(b) Eva washing Zulema's face.
(c) Eva in the shop alone.
(d) Eva telling stories to Zulema.

2. What shocking question does Eva ask the Colonel while out at dinner?
(a) If he used to be a woman.
(b) If he has ever killed someone.
(c) If he wants to have sex with her.
(d) If he wants to die tonight.

3. How does Eva come to meet Rolf?
(a) At a dance.
(b) At a dinner party.
(c) At the market.
(d) At the factory.

4. Why does Mimi arrange a meeting with Senor Aravena in Chapter 10?
(a) To see if he likes Eva's writings.
(b) Because she has a crush on him.
(c) To see if he has any new acting roles for her.
(d) To run a new show idea past him.

5. Why does Senor Aravena want Rolf to contact Huberto?
(a) He asks for protection.
(b) He wants to see what the guerrillas are up to.
(c) He wants to learn how he can join the cause.
(d) He is Huberto's uncle.

6. Why does Eva take a job in a factory?
(a) To pay Mimi back.
(b) To raise enough money to move to another country.
(c) To save to buy her own house.
(d) To pay for Madrina to live in a private clinic.

7. What does the factory make where Eva works?
(a) Police and army uniforms.
(b) Toys.
(c) Canned foods.
(d) Cars.

8. What does Senor Aravena tell Rolf to do with his film of the guerrilla camp?
(a) Sell it to America.
(b) Burn it.
(c) Play it on the next news broadcast.
(d) Hide it.

9. After hearing about Rolf's childhood, how does Eva feel for him?
(a) Angry at him.
(b) Saddened for him.
(c) Disgusted by him.
(d) Proud of him.

10. How does Mimi know Colonel Rodriquez?
(a) He visited the cabaret.
(b) He killed her mother.
(c) He hurt La Senora.
(d) He made inspections at the prison she was at once.

11. How has Mimi's life changed in Chapter 9?
(a) She is married.
(b) She has two children.
(c) She is now a famous actress.
(d) She is a man again.

12. How does Huberto react when Eva tells him of her friendship with Colonel Rodriquez?
(a) He is jealous.
(b) He is happy.
(c) He is enraged.
(d) He does not react.

13. What word best describes Eva's emotional state at the close of the story?
(a) Confused.
(b) Heartbroken.
(c) Sad.
(d) Happy.

14. What is Riad's response to the news of the revolts?
(a) He is worried.
(b) He is upset.
(c) He is not concerned.
(d) He wants to join the revolution.

15. What does Rolf do when he is not making films?
(a) Joins the guerrillas in raids.
(b) Visits his family in La Colonia.
(c) Travels through Europe.
(d) Visits his mother in Austria.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what is Riad fund raising when he throws a party in Chapter 7?

2. What is Mimi's opinion of Huberto?

3. Who invites Eva to live with them in the capital city?

4. Why does Rolf take Eva to La Colonia?

5. What does Huberto want to steal from the factory?

(see the answer keys)

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