Eugene Onegin Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eugene Onegin Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tatyana discover about her dream in the book on analyzing dreams?
(a) It foretells terrible times ahead.
(b) None of the above.
(c) Information about some of the elements but no meaning.
(d) That she is better off without Eugene Onegin.

2. How does Eugene feel about the arrangement with Vladimir when he has time to reflect?
(a) He is angry at Vladimir that it has come to this.
(b) He is fed up with the whole affair and contemplates leaving town.
(c) He regrets the role he played but thinks it is too late to change.
(d) None of the above.

3. What does the narrator mourn after describing Vladimir Lensky's death?
(a) The loss of an adored literary character.
(b) All who have fallen in such a way.
(c) Women's fickleness.
(d) The passing of his own youth.

4. Where do Tatyana and her mother stay when they arrive in Moscow?
(a) At a fashionable house they rented downtown.
(b) At the home of an old aunt.
(c) At the home of Tatyana's father's wealthy relatives.
(d) In a hotel by the river.

5. Who is Zaretsky?
(a) Vladimir Lensky's guardian.
(b) A wise old man.
(c) Cheif gamber and trouble maker in town.
(d) An honorable citizen with a blameless past.

6. How does Eugene Onegin respond to Vladimir Lensky's note the day after Tanya's name day celebration?
(a) He curtly accepts the challenge.
(b) He laughs out loud.
(c) None of the above.
(d) He rushes out to make amends with his friend.

7. When Tatyana returns and spends time in Eugene Onegin's house, what does she do?
(a) Takes naps on Eugene Onegin's bed.
(b) All the above.
(c) Spending time getting to know Eugene Onegin through his books.
(d) Looks for clues about where he has gone and when he might return.

8. What happens between Eugene Onegin and Tatyana during her name day feast?
(a) He dances with her.
(b) He gives her a sympathetic look that reawakens her heart.
(c) He says rude things to keep her at a distance.
(d) He ignores her all evening.

9. In her dream, when Tatyana wakes up in a house, where is she?
(a) She is standing in front of a crowd waiting for her to sing.
(b) She is lying in the hallway and can the clink of glass in in a neighboring room.
(c) She is in the master bed dressed in a long gown.
(d) None of the above.

10. Where are Vladimir Lensky and Eugene Onegin seated at the dinner table?
(a) At the end near Dame Larin.
(b) In the seats of honor.
(c) Lensky near Olga and Onegin near Tatyana.
(d) Right across from Tatyana.

11. When Eugene Onegin and Tatyana are brought together in Moscow, what is the state of Tatyana's life?
(a) She is married to a prince who adores her.
(b) She is married to a wealthy man who is an idiot.
(c) She is married to a drunk who does not appreciate her.
(d) She is a wealthy and powerful widow.

12. Who, according to the narrator, does Vladimir Lensky's tombstone still cause to tear up?
(a) Tatyana.
(b) Olga.
(c) Eugene Onegin.
(d) Passerbys that read the inscription.

13. What is Tatyana like when we see her at the ball in the last chapter?
(a) Stately, respected, and admired by all.
(b) Simple and straightforward, as always.
(c) A master of the most current fashion.
(d) Pale, wan, and withdrawn.

14. What was Eugene Onegin's reaction to Vladimir Lensky's death?
(a) He thought, 'well, he deserved it'.
(b) He laughed.
(c) He showed no emotion.
(d) He was horrified and shaken.

15. After the name day celebration, who is the one at the Larin household who can not sleep?
(a) Olga.
(b) Tatyana.
(c) Eugene Onegin.
(d) Vladimir Lensky.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Tatyana spend the summer before she travels to Moscow?

2. What homage is paid to Tatyana at her name day celebration?

3. How did Lensky fall during the duel?

4. Who calls on Eugene Onegin the morning after the name day celebration?

5. How does Tatyana react to the news that they are going to Moscow?

(see the answer keys)

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