Ethan Frome Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ethan Frome Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What solution does Mattie propose to their situation?
(a) Mattie proposes they sled into the elm tree, killing themselves.
(b) Mattie proposes they drive Zeena away.
(c) Mattie proposes they leave together, even without any money.
(d) Mattie proposes they visit one another.

2. When Zeena suggests that Mattie has "taken from her" the one she cared about most of all, she is referring to _____________________________.
(a) Her red pickle dish.
(b) Mattie's father.
(c) The cat.
(d) A tea towel.

3. After the sled accident, Mattie _____________________________________.
(a) Was brought to recover at the Hales' house.
(b) Was sent back to her family in another town.
(c) Was cast out again by Zeena and Ethan.
(d) Was cared for by the Eady family.

4. Mattie's note to Ethan reads ___________________________.
(a) Don't trouble, Ethan.
(b) Don't try to find me, Ethan.
(c) I'm sorry, Ethan.
(d) I'm leaving, Ethan.

5. When Ethan returns to Mattie, he tells her _______________________________.
(a) She must be married as soon as possible.
(b) He will be leaving with her the following day.
(c) He has never loved Zeena.
(d) She must leave the following day.

Short Answer Questions

1. What task do Ethan and Mattie carry out together?

2. Who has been worrying about the narrator's safety?

3. Ethan invites Jotham to dinner because _______________________________________.

4. Ethan's defeat is reflected in his ________________________________________________.

5. Zeena instructs Jotham Powell to ________________________________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Mattie forced to move her trunk by herself until Ethan comes to help her?

2. What are Ethan and Mattie finally free to speak about openly now that Mattie is leaving?

3. What inspires Ethan to try to leave Zeena?

4. What reason does Ethan give Mattie for Zeena sending her away?

5. How does Mrs. Hale suggest the Fromes in the graveyard are different from the Fromes up at the farm?

6. Aside from Mattie, where does Ethan continue to find inspiration and beauty?

7. How do Zeena and Mattie get along after the accident?

8. What does Zeena spend her time doing since the accident?

9. What clues does Ethan have that Zeena's return will not be a pleasant one?

10. Why isn't Ethan prepared for Zeena's arrival when he gets home?

(see the answer keys)

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