Ethan Frome Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ethan Frome Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Ethan think Zeena has not arrived at home yet?
(a) The sorrel is not in the barn, so he believes they have not arrived.
(b) Jotham Powell hides the sorrel until Ehtan goes into the house.
(c) Mattie tells him they are still alone together.
(d) Zeena tells Jotham to put the sorrel away where Ethan will not see it.

2. In his anguish, Ethan finds the nerve to _____________________.
(a) Kiss Mattie.
(b) Stand up to Zeena.
(c) Demand money from Andrew Hale.
(d) Tell Mattie she is no longer welcome.

3. Ethan's goal is to reach Starkfield ____________________________.
(a) Before it gets dark.
(b) Before Zeena knows he has left the house.
(c) Before Mr. Hale can find out Ethan is looking for him.
(d) Before Mr. Hale has left for work.

4. When they are alone outside together, Ethan tells Mattie __________________________________.
(a) That he will drive her to the train himself.
(b) That Zeena knows all about their love for each other.
(c) That he will send her trunk along after she is settled somewhere.
(d) That he will never see her again after tonight.

5. Ethan finds that Zeena's refusal to eat is usually followed by ___________________________________.
(a) An increase in her symptoms.
(b) Her remaining in bed for several days.
(c) Her refusal to speak to him.
(d) Her coming down to supper anyway.

6. After the accident, Ethan thinks he hears _____________________________.
(a) Zeena calling him home.
(b) Mattie calling for him.
(c) A wounded animal crying.
(d) A bird singing.

7. Ethan needs to go into town to run what errand?
(a) He needs to buy glue to fix the pickle dish.
(b) He needs to buy a new dish for Zeena.
(c) He needs to pick up Zeena's medicine.
(d) He needs to pick up the hired girl from the train station.

8. Why has Mattie's disposition changed over the years?
(a) She has grown fond of Zeena.
(b) She has come to resent Ethan for his part in the accident.
(c) She has come to wish for her own death.
(d) She has suffered too much, and that has caused her to "sour."

9. After the sled accident, Mattie _____________________________________.
(a) Was cast out again by Zeena and Ethan.
(b) Was sent back to her family in another town.
(c) Was cared for by the Eady family.
(d) Was brought to recover at the Hales' house.

10. Ethan finds Zeena _______________________________.
(a) Waiting by the door to confront him.
(b) Sitting by the window still in her traveling dress.
(c) Crying by the window.
(d) Already bundled up in bed.

11. As he prepares the sorrel, Ethan remembers ______________________________.
(a) The day his mother died.
(b) The day he first brought Zeena home.
(c) The day he returned to Starkfield.
(d) The day he drove to the station to meet Mattie.

12. The day's bad weather foreshadows _________________________.
(a) Ethan's bankruptcy.
(b) Mattie's rejection of Ethan.
(c) The death of Ethan's horses.
(d) An unhappy reunion with Zeena.

13. What does Zeena want to question Mattie about before she leaves?
(a) More broken dishes.
(b) Some of Mattie's recipes.
(c) Ethan's behavior.
(d) Missing household items.

14. What does Mattie plan to do after leaving Starkfield?
(a) She will try to go back to college.
(b) She will try to connect with her family.
(c) She will try to get a job in a store.
(d) She will try to get hired as a maid.

15. Ethan knows he cannot leave Starkfield with Mattie because ________________________________________.
(a) Mattie would not want to leave town in disgrace.
(b) He has no money, and no way of borrowing any in town.
(c) Underneath it all, he still loves Zeena.
(d) Zeena's family would prevent him from leaving.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mrs. Hale only visit the Fromes twice a year?

2. How has Zeena changed since the accident?

3. Ethan recalls that Mattie's few belongings had _____________________________________.

4. In his study, Ethan toys with the idea of ________________________________________.

5. What pleasure do Mattie and Ethan allow themselves before the train comes?

(see the answer keys)

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