Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What sport did Garbes' parents sign her up for as a kid where the name of the team was Ponies?
2. When does Garbes ask her parents what they think life would have been like if they had not left the Philippines?
3. What were the first names of the people who used to own the house where Garbes and her husband now live?
4. How many cups of rice would the Garbes' green rice dispenser dispense with the push of a button?
5. Where did Garbes take a Gaga People class in 2019?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is the "big clothes closet" (102)?
2. How does Garbes feel about her Dance Church family?
3. How does Garbes describes the meals she enjoyed in the Philippines?
4. Why did the Garbes decide a yard was not important when they bought their house?
5. How does Garbes come from a long-line of hair dyers, and why did she quit dying her hair?
6. How are Garbes and Will different in their energy levels?
7. How did Garbes' father become disillusioned with managed health care?
8. Why did the Wongs update their house before they sold it to the Garbes and why did they move?
9. What do disability and aging have in common?
10. What is the house and neighborhood like that the Garbes' live in?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Books can be structured and divided in different ways. How does the structure of a book provide clarity and flow to a narrative? What are section or chapter titles? What are some purposes of chapter titles? How does Garbes use section and chapter titles in Essential Labor?
Essay Topic 2
Garbes felt detached from community growing up in Pennsylvania. Why did Garbes feel detached from community as a child? How does the concept of bayanihan explain community in the Philippines? Why does Garbes believe bayanihan could improve family life in America?
Essay Topic 3
Opinions are beliefs or judgments. Facts rely on observation and research. Are the ideas Garbes shares in Essential Labor facts or opinion?
This section contains 795 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |