Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Garbes, Angela
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Garbes, Angela
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change Lesson Plans

1. Where did Garbes' mother grow up?


2. How many cities make up Manila?


3. When was nursing a new career option for Pinay women?


4. What type of nurse was Garbes' mother for most of her career in America?


5. How long were many of Garbes' mother's days when she was working as nurse in America?

13 hours.

6. How many children did Garbes' mother raise?


7. When did Garbes' parents migrate to the U.S.?


8. Where did Garbes grow up?


9. What does Garbes' father do for a living?


10. Each year, how man Filipinos leave their homeland?

More than 2 million.

11. What ratio of Filipinos work abroad?

1 in 7.

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