Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change Character Descriptions

Garbes, Angela
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change Character Descriptions

Garbes, Angela
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change Lesson Plans

Angela Garbes

This person is the author of the book. She is the daughter of Filipino parents and a wife and mother of two daughters.

Angela's Mother and Father (Josefina and Archimedes Garbes)

These people emigrated from the Philippines to work in the U.S. as a nurse and doctor, respectively. They had three children.

Will Pittz

This person is a white man married to a Filipino woman. He has two daughters.

Noli and Ligaya

These people are the daughters of a white man and a Filipino woman.

Lola Lily

This person is the author’s maternal grandmother.

Ima and Tatang

These are the author’s paternal grandparents.

The Chase-Chens

This is a family that provides mutual childcare and support to another family during the pandemic.

The Wongs

This is an older couple who had to sell their home when the husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.


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