Esperanza Rising Test | Final Test - Medium

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Esperanza Rising Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 8 at harvest time, how many days a week are the workers working?
(a) Four.
(b) Five.
(c) Seven.
(d) Six.

2. When Chapter 8 begins, Esperanza begins her first day of work alone. What is one of her main duties at this time?
(a) Cleaning toilets.
(b) Shucking corn.
(c) Babysitting.
(d) Baking tortillas for dinner.

3. On the evening of the first dinner at Esperanza's cabin, what do the adults complain of?
(a) The grouchy boss.
(b) Aches and pains.
(c) The hot sun.
(d) The long hours.

4. What does Esperanza give to children of the poor man who approaches them at the market?
(a) A pinata.
(b) A wedge of cheese.
(c) Beans.
(d) Avocados.

5. When Esperanza talks of "La Migra", what is she talking about?
(a) The meat.
(b) The mist.
(c) The immigration officials.
(d) The migrant workers.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the first crop of harvest time is picked, what is the next crop ready to harvest?

2. What is the surprise Alfonso and Miguel show the women after dinner in Chapter 7?

3. On Esperanza's day first day of work alone, what does she ruin?

4. When Esperanza asks Isabel for news that she has heard at school, what is the new construction that Isabel tells them about?

5. On the morning after the strike, what does Esperanza see hanging from a tree?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the significance of Esperanza's visit to the hospital on Christmas Day?

2. Where are Esperanza's sympathies with regard to the strikers?

3. In Chapter 11, the strikers want to impede the progress of the asparagus harvest. Why is that an effective tactic?

4. When the doctor comes to examine Mama and diagnose her illness, how does Esperanza react?

5. How does the short, intimate exchange Mama and Esperanza have after the jamaica effect Esperanza's mood?

6. How does the sequence of events from Miguel and Esperanza's argument, to her money missing work to cast suspicion on Miguel as the thief?

7. Comment on the image of communal life at this work camp once the work day is over that Ryan portrays in Chapter 7.

8. What is significant about Esperanza giving beans to the man at Marta's camp?

9. Isabel wants to be the May Day Queen. When she tells Esperanza this, what is ironic about her reason for wanting to be this queen?

10. At dinner when the family discusses the strike and its progress, how does Miguel's outlook differ from his father's outlook about the support for the strike?

(see the answer keys)

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