Esperanza Rising Test | Final Test - Medium

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Esperanza Rising Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What honor is Isabel expecting to win at the celebration at her school in Chapter 12?
(a) Queen.
(b) Baker-for-a-Day.
(c) Harvest Princess.
(d) First Place Baker.

2. In Chapter 8, what kind of storm forces the workers back to the cabin?
(a) Wind.
(b) Thunder.
(c) Dust.
(d) Hail.

3. On the morning after the strike, of whom does Esperanza ask a favor?
(a) Marta.
(b) Miguel.
(c) Hortensia.
(d) Josefina.

4. What spring crop does Esperanza notice seems to be replaced with new tall plants almost instantly after being picked?
(a) Corn.
(b) Asparagus.
(c) Celery.
(d) Broccoli.

5. In Chapter 10, Miguel gets a new job. Where is this job?
(a) At the market.
(b) At the immigration office.
(c) At the peach harvest.
(d) At a machine shop for the railroad.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Esperanza do to earn money once she is the only one in her family working?

2. Where does Esperanza go to check on things on the morning after the strike?

3. When Esperanza and her mother are together in Chapter 7, what does Mama confess she misses?

4. Who is Mr. Yakota?

5. As Chapter 12 begins, what celebration is coming up in at Isabel's school?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is significant about Esperanza giving beans to the man at Marta's camp?

2. Where are Esperanza's sympathies with regard to the strikers?

3. How does Esperanza's babysitting skills progress as Chapter 8 develops?

4. As Miguel and Esperanza drive to the market, what does Esperanza notice, apparently for the first time about herself?

5. In Chapter 9, before Mama is in the hospital, how does the reader see that her illness affects all?

6. When Esperanza details the things she misses about her mother, why is she so surprised at herself?

7. How is the act of Esperanza's gift of the porcelain doll symbolic?

8. In what way is Mama's illness a commentary on the working conditions of the migrant workers?

9. What is the symbolic significance of the the shrine Alfonso and Miguel erect?

10. At dinner when the family discusses the strike and its progress, how does Miguel's outlook differ from his father's outlook about the support for the strike?

(see the answer keys)

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