Esperanza Rising Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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Esperanza Rising Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mama seems to accept the situation, and once in the cabin, what does she do that Esperanza cannot understand?
(a) Mama starts cooking.
(b) Mama yells at her.
(c) Mama takes a nap.
(d) Mama sings.

2. When the lawyer comes to explain Papa's will, who is to receive the house on the ranch?
(a) Esperanza.
(b) Tio Luis.
(c) Mama.
(d) Abuelita.

3. When Esperanza is in the garden, on what does she cut her finger?
(a) A peice of glass.
(b) A thorn of a rose.
(c) A shovel.
(d) A rake.

4. On Saturday night, what do the women do together that Esperanza actually enjoys?
(a) Cooking.
(b) Shelling almonds.
(c) Bathing.
(d) Singing.

5. What does Isabel see at the party that she would like very much to have?
(a) A kitten.
(b) A pair of red shoes.
(c) A lollipop.
(d) A pretty shawl.

Short Answer Questions

1. On the night of this meeting about Papa's will, what news does Miguel have for Esperanza?

2. On the evening of the first dinner at Esperanza's cabin, what do the adults complain of?

3. When the Ortega's get to their family friend's house in Chapter 4, for whom does Esperanza look?

4. What was the treat Esperanza remembers from an earlier time in Zacatecas?

5. At the time of the harvest, how long had the Mexican revolution been over?

(see the answer key)

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