Esperanza Rising Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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Esperanza Rising Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 11.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In a conversation between Esperanza and Isabel, where does Isabel tell Esperanza that Marta was born?
(a) In a town near their own town in Mexico.
(b) In a town far from their own town in Mexico.
(c) In the United States.
(d) Mexico City.

2. In the myth that Abuelita reminds Esperanza of, what ultimately happens to the bird?
(a) His wide wings destroy all who threaten him.
(b) He spreads peace wherever he goes.
(c) He is born again out of his ashes.
(d) He sings a sweet, hopeful song that encourages others.

3. What is the purpose of two individuals spending so much time in Papa's study?
(a) They are tidying and repairing the room.
(b) They are looking for tools.
(c) They are looking for a will.
(d) They are going over the business of the ranch.

4. On the wagon ride to the train station, why is Esperanza not permitted to ride with Miguel as she wants to?
(a) Because she has behaved like a spoiled child.
(b) Beause she is frail.
(c) Because women travelling at night is not deemed safe.
(d) Because there is no room.

5. Eventually, in Chapter 5, Esperanza misses her father and cries. Who comforts her and says they also miss him?
(a) Mama.
(b) Miguel.
(c) Alfonso.
(d) Hortensia.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Esperanza's last name?

2. Who is Ramona?

3. Who is Alfonso?

4. When Esperanza goes to bed after the strike, what does she worry about?

5. With regard to strikers, what have Miguel's experiences been?

(see the answer key)

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