Escape from Freedom Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Escape from Freedom Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Prior to World War I, who was the lower, middle class obedient to?
(a) German monarchy.
(b) President of the United States.
(c) They were not obedient to anyone yet.
(d) German chancellor.

2. How does Fromm categorize the second group of Germans who supported the Nazis?
(a) Those who fully adopted Nazism.
(b) Those who stood against Nazism.
(c) Those who were indifferent to Nazism.
(d) Those who disagreed with Nazism.

3. What do both societies and individuals possess that make them unique?
(a) Characters.
(b) Power.
(c) Money.
(d) Greed.

4. What political ideology is a historical example of authoritarian mechanism?
(a) Democracy.
(b) Nazism.
(c) Communism.
(d) Anarchy.

5. What academic, who Fromm disagrees with, also wrote about the social interpretation of the human development?
(a) Freud.
(b) Engels.
(c) Pavlov.
(d) Jung.

6. According to Fromm, who must the economy be a servant to?
(a) Society.
(b) The wealthy politicans.
(c) The economy should not serve anyone.
(d) Man.

7. Whose theory about economic gains driving history have many historians misunderstood?
(a) Engels.
(b) Bancroft.
(c) Marx.
(d) Freud.

8. What is "spontaneous" action?
(a) Actions that come from what a person feels and thinks.
(b) Actions that come from what others do.
(c) Actions that come from what an individual used to do.
(d) Actions that come from what others feel and think.

9. What does Fromm argue that leads to man act destructively?
(a) Freedom causes man to act destructively.
(b) Participation in a group causes man to act destructively.
(c) Isolation and fear causes man to act destructively.
(d) Capitalism causes man to act destructively.

10. According to Freud's "psychologistic" approach to understanding human culture, what image inspired early Christianity?
(a) Ambivalence toward society.
(b) Ambivalence toward the father.
(c) Ambivalence toward the mother.
(d) Love for the mother.

11. What do masochistic people seek?
(a) They want to both submit and dominate.
(b) They want to dominate a weaker person.
(c) They want to dominate a stronger person.
(d) They want to submit to a stronger person.

12. What does Fromm believe each individual is capable of expressing, as discussed in the chapter "Freedom and Democracy"?
(a) Expressing a desire to mend primary ties.
(b) Expressing his sadomasochistic desires.
(c) Expressing himself as part of a group.
(d) Expressing himself as an individual.

13. What do sadists seek?
(a) They seek to be dominated.
(b) They seek to dominate others.
(c) They avoid dominance.
(d) They seek submission.

14. What is automaton conformity?
(a) The practice of ignoring society.
(b) The practice of individuals becoming like everyone else.
(c) Conforming only to one's self.
(d) The practice of conforming to a hero.

15. What approach to history views the economic interests as the cause of religion and political ideas?
(a) Economistic.
(b) Bartering.
(c) Capitalistic.
(d) Laissez-faire.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one false theory about why the Nazis came to power?

2. What did the lower, middle class of Nazi Germany do for a living?

3. What does the development of individual and social characters lead to?

4. What was the ultimate goal of the Nazi party?

5. Why does an individual conform to society?

(see the answer keys)

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