Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who kills Francis Macomber?
2. What are the Roman soldiers talking about in "Today is Friday"?
3. Where are the group of military men living in "A Simple Inquiry"?
4. What does Dr. Wilcox carry with him while treating patients?
5. What do Bill and Nick drink after the whiskey is gone?
Short Essay Questions
1. What are the Roman soldiers talking about in "Today is Friday"?
2. What does the young couple reveal to the older American woman as the train stops?
3. Who does the American soldier talk with during the night, and what is said?
4. What is given precedence over the man who dies in "Banal Story"?
5. What happens to the Indian woman's husband while she is undergoing a C-Section?
6. What does the narrator tell the old man at the bridge to do, and why does he not listen?
7. What does the narrator in "After the Storm" regret when he gets out of prison?
8. How do Bill and Nick feel about Nick's ended relationship with Marjorie?
9. What does the girl tell the boy in "The Sea Change", and how does he respond?
10. What is the story behind the burial that the two men witness while skiing?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Failure is a strong theme in these stories. Which of the plot lines best displays this theme, and which characters are most affected by it?
Essay Topic 2
Nick Adams was a character we were able to follow through a number of different stories. How does he change over the course of his life, and what causes these changes?
Essay Topic 3
Compassion and empathy is a theme present in a number of these stories. What are some of the best examples of this theme, and how does the presence of this theme affect the outcome of those stories?
This section contains 695 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |